2. Magical sensation (F-A)

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This story is unedited so apologies for grammatical and spelling errors if any.


Fiora's (POV)

I arrived at the staff hostel specially designed for female employees of Crystal Company around 10 o'clock. Fortunately, I didn't have a roommate, which made me quite content. It's not that I dislike sharing; in fact, I enjoy it. However, I do cherish having my own space.

After slowly arranging all my clothes in the cupboard and placing my belongings in their designated spots, I decided to take a brief nap for about half an hour.

Upon waking up, I made a beeline for the bathroom to indulge in a much-needed warm shower. I then plugged in my phone to charge. The warden had informed me upon arrival that it had been raining since morning and had only ceased about three hours before I got there. Consequently, the temperature was chilly. She kindly advised me not to hesitate to ask for a blanket or heater if I needed to warm up my room. Her thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated.

Emerging from the bathroom an hour and a half later, I exuded the scent of night blossom, a fragrance I adore for its enchanting allure. There's a secret connection I have with these flowers, one I've kept from my parents. I've never quite understood how it works, nor do I want to; it's the magic that captivates me.

At midnight, if I touch these rare blooms, they sparkle and emit a soft glow that fills me with wonder. I discovered this extraordinary ability when I was twelve. On my mother's anniversary, she received night blossom seeds as a gift, which she lovingly planted in our backyard. With her tender care, they flourished within three months, revealing their mystical charm

Each night, their blossoms unfurl, releasing a sweet and intoxicating fragrance that fills the air. One memorable evening, during a small gathering at our house, I stayed awake until midnight. I ventured outside to pluck some flowers as a gift for my dad. To my astonishment, as soon as my fingers brushed against them, they began to glow and sparkle like moonlight, each bloom radiating its own ethereal light.

Lost in the mesmerizing memory, I was startled by a gentle knock on my door. Opening it, I found the warden standing there, her expression kind and apologetic. "Did I wake you? I'm so sorry, dear. I can come back tomorrow if you'd like," she said softly. "No, no, it's okay. I was just drying my hair. Please, come in," I replied hastily

"No, it's fine. I just came to ask if you'd like to have dinner, or if you've already eaten," she asked hesitantly.

"Oh, but haven't you had your dinner? Though I'm hungry, if you're making it, especially for me, then it's okay. I can manage for one night," I replied with a smile.

"Oh, no, dear. I knew you were arriving, so I already set aside your share. Besides, I'm good company. Would you like to dine with me, or should I bring your food to your room, whichever you prefer?" she offered kindly.

"I'd love to join you. After all, I can be good company too," I said, and we shared a quiet laugh before heading downstairs to the kitchen for dinner, not wanting to disturb anyone else.

My first reaction upon entering the kitchen was "Wow! It's amazing." The space was expansive, featuring a large rectangular platform of shiny black marble serving as a side table, with chairs neatly arranged alongside.

As we sat down to dinner, I was served pasta with greens and eggs—a combination that seemed unusual to me at first. However, to my surprise, I found myself thoroughly enjoying it. Whether it was due to my hunger or the warden's culinary skill, the meal tasted amazing

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