chapter one

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THE MONITORS surrounding the room filled the empty silence with a somber beep. Beep, beep, beep. Just listening to the sound once made me crazy. I couldn't imagine how my dad felt. Cooped up in one room, hooked up to various machines that are keeping him tied to this world. I sit across from him in a hard, plastic chair, holding his frail, cold hand.

My dad was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis over a year ago. His condition began to get worse only recently. I knew his time with me was slowly passing, the looming feeling of anxiety filled me up every time I came here. If I lost my dad, I don't know what me and mom would do. He's our rock.

"My child, how are you doing? How is school?" His weak voice asks. I slowly tighten my grip on his hand. "It's good, everything is good. How are you feeling?" I ask softly.

"Ah, you know the same old. There is not much to do here except talk to your mother when she comes," He complains. I mean he was right, how much entertainment are you supposed to get in a hospital when you're basically on your deathbed?

"I'll bring Scrabble or something for you when I come tomorrow," I promise. My mom is a neurologist here at the hospital. Even though she isn't supposed to oversee family cases, she secretly reads his charts. It's ironic really, my dad has a neurodegenerative disease and he's married to a neurologist.

Glancing at the white clock planted on the wall, I gather my things sprawled on the table. "Papa, I'm going to be going to work now, I'll come back later tonight with Mama. I love you," I state, rising up from the chair and kissing my dad on the cheek. He gives me a small pat and smiles in response.


It's rush hour here at Coffee Talk. The bustling crowd hums around me as we're getting everyone's morning coffee ready. Milk steamers hiss and the roasted smell of coffee beans saturate the air. The clock on the wall reads 4:00 PM. Two more hours then I'm out of here.

"Any minute now Kai," an irritated voice calls out, breaking me out of my daze. I look up and see Myreen standing in front of the counter, waiting to place an order. Her chestnut hair is rolled up in a bun and her face wears an impatient expression. I roll my eyes at impatience.

"Did you not get enough sleep? You look out of it," She points out. "I was at the hospital last night and then I had to study for finals. I was able to get two hours of sleep in but don't worry, I just have my final exams coming up," I explained, grabbing the cup for her drink.

School has been kicking my ass lately. Finding a balance between school and work hasn't been easy, especially since I'm doing my PhD, which makes it ten times harder. I have two more semesters until I graduate, so I'm trying my best to pass all of my classes.

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