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A Small Pre-Reading Guide - Planet B

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(Just for some context)


-The current time's currency. Equates to 1 US dollar.

-The current time's currency. Equates to 5 US cents.

-Skateboards that hover instead of using wheels.

Blue train:
A form of metro commonly seen in lower estates/low income areas; takes twice as slow as normal bullet trains

Heart Hands:
-AI that were created for helping out citizens in every day life or basic necessities

Hover vehicles:
-Equivalent to cars, only without wheels and they also hover.

Lantern crafts:
-Large, blimp-like, illuminated machines that reside mainly in the sky. Responsible for broadcasting all major news and PSAs.

Red hornet:
-A synthetic drug and mild stimulant that causes the user to feel more in control, at ease, and attentive. Very strong and almost always taken in a diluted form.
-If taken in pure form, can lead to severe forms of the aforementioned symptoms and/or seizures, heart attacks, unconsciousness, sickness, and death.

-Another word for a lecture hall or classroom.

-As mentioned in the beginning:
-This book discusses elements of violence, fighting, and injury.
-This book discusses elements of drug abuse, drug addition, and drug use.
-This book discusses elements of death and domestic trauma.

(Everything else should be defined for you when needed. Thank you and enjoy.)

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