Chapter 14- Dreadful News

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Who's right, who's wrong
Who really cares?
The fault, the blame, the pain's still there
- Broken Home, 5 Seconds of Summer

𝚃𝙷𝙴 night after the Witch had left was a treacherous one, but James wasn't to know until it was too late.

There were signs, as there was with everything in life, however none more out of the ordinary than usual. James' dreams had been horrific through the night. Visions he could barely articulate, never mind explain, filled his mind. The dark shades of violence and hurt appeared.

Death and destruction. Fire and pain. Burning hate. War.

An inevitable war, many of them, all in his future. James could tell they weren't just physical battles, in Narnia things weren't so simple, but he only realised it retrospectively.

What did it mean?

A conflict for only him, or were his siblings involved? Was there more to it? People who had never visited Narnia, thrown out of their depth and into a world they weren't prepared for. That was the Pevensie's only a few days ago. Would there be others? Had there ever been others?

The professor. He'd known. He'd said to believe it.

He just wanted to understand. That's all James had ever wanted. He craved knowledge, and facts, and the answers to everything. Susan did too, maybe it was a sibling thing, but James was never pushy for the answers. He never let it get in the way of what he had to do. The eldest knew he had a role to play, and couldn't waste his time.

It was part way during the night, whilst darkness still surrounded camp, that the tent doors fluttered upon. James didn't stir, and neither did his younger brothers, as they lay in their makeshift beds. This was as baby pink blossom floated through the air, and into the shape of a person.

Peter had been the first to wake, unsettled. He swiftly unsheathed his sword, the scraping of metal forced the others to consciousness.

The eldest didn't needed to look too much at what was in front of them to know it wasn't dangerous. "Stand down, Peter." Groaned James. The blonde boy's stance didn't falter.

"Be still, my Princes." She said, kindly. There was an uncertain look shared between the three brothers, but James' mind kept racing.

This was brilliant. He loved Narnia.

"I bring grave news from your sisters."

"Please," James encouraged as he sat up, rubbing his dark eyes. "Tell us more."

"Aslan..." she said, sorrowfully. "has been killed. There is to be war tomorrow."

Though shocked, James still managed thank the creature, cordially, for her services to them.

"We have to tell Oreius." Edmund murmured.

Peter put himself forward, dropping his weapon. "I'll do it."

In truth, the Pevensie boys were a little lost on how to cope with the situation. How could they know what to do? After changing into more suitable clothes, they moved to Aslan's tent.

As the eldest, James went in first, but decided to alone. He was nervous, but wanted to apologise to their leader.

"I'm sorry." The boy whispered inside of the tent. Though everything was regal and ornate, it was understated in such a way it was believable. Aslan was a good lion, and more so, a brilliant leader. "I'm so sorry for what happened to you."

There was so much more James wanted to say, but couldn't think of how. Aslan deserved much more than he was being given, but James thanked him. His sacrifice saved Edmund, his baby brother, and there was nothing he could do to ever fully repay the debt.

Edmund had decided against going inside, but Peter had taken it on fully. He wasn't aware of what to do, but did it him good. When he re-emerged, he sighed.

There was an ornate table on the grass where Oreius, Edmund and James stood. Upon it, a map with all of Narnia's land. There were strategies to be made, but James couldn't think straight.

"She's right." Said Peter. "He's gone."

"Then you'll have to lead us." James blurted, wisely.

Oreius questioned him. "Forgive me, sire, but you are Aslan's heir. That puts you in charge of the army."

"Well, I want Peter to lead us." James announced.

The blonde shook his head at his older brother. "You're older, and stronger."

"I don't fight for glory, or for victory in any way. I only fight to protect myself and the people I love. I couldn't ever lead an army."


"Peter, there's an army out there!" Edmund exclaimed, having enough of the dead-ended chatter between his older siblings. "And they're ready to follow you!"

"I can't." Peter shrugged the responsibility.

"Aslan believed you could." Promised Edmund. "And so do I."

"Me too." Added James. "And I'll be beside you all of the way."

Oreius, regretfully, told them. "The Witch's army is approaching, sire. What are your orders?"

Peter looked to the table where the map lay, and plans formed in his mind. The night was far from over, and James knew that it would be one of the longest he'd ever endured.

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I don't own anything to do with Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. I'm just a fan of C.S.Lewis' books and the films.
The only thing I do own is the character of James Pevensie and his story line.

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