Comfort (Michael Myers x Reader)

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    A/N: It's been a month since I last updated and I apologize. I've been busy and sick. But I decided to write something that is just pure comfort fluff. When I first thought of this oneshot, I was having a bad day and just wanted a hug from Michael lol. So here it is. Michael is more vague here in appearance, so it can be any version of him you want. OG, RZ, 2018, whatever. As always, Reader is GN.


    A complete disaster. That is the best way to describe how today has gone. Everything that could possibly go wrong, went wrong. The insides of your cheeks ached from how much you've bitten them trying to keep yourself from crying the entire day. Your head was pounding as you pulled into your driveway and shut the car's engine off. All of the lights were off in the house. Michael might or might not be home. He often sat around in the dark, so it was never easy to tell if he was there whenever you came home or not. You've never cried in front of Michael. Not even the first time you met when he tried to, well, kill you. Crying made you feel weak and vulnerable. Everyone needs to let it out sometimes, you know this. But it still doesn't stop you from feeling that way. For the first time ever, you hoped he wouldn't be home right now so that you could feel your emotions in peace.

    Letting out a sigh, you unbuckle your seat belt and grab your belongings. The door pops open and you step out, shutting it behind you and locking it. You step up to your front door and pause. Silence. So you put the key in the door and turn the knob. It was hard to see anything in the dark once the door was shut. You blinked a few times and your eyes began to adjust. The house was still and silent. All that could be heard was your uneven breathing. You set your belongings down and took your shoes off before making your way to the kitchen. You grabbed a glass and filled it up with some water and took a sip. You glanced over your shoulder and jumped, feeling a bit of the water splash on the floor. Why did he have to be so damn quiet?
"Michael... hi. I didn't know you were home." you blinked back tears and forced a smile.
He stared down at you wordlessly, which was nothing abnormal for him. You've grown used to it by now and you're able to figure out what he's trying to say without him saying it. His eyes never left yours. You knew he wanted to know if you were okay. He knows you better than you know yourself most of the time. But you wanted to avoid the conversation. You didn't need him worrying about you or worse, pitying you.

    You cleared your throat and smiled at him again.
"Sorry Mikey, I'm feeling pretty tired tonight. It was a really long day." You can't handle his staring right now. He sees right through you.
"I'm feeling too worn out to handle cooking dinner. But we have leftovers from last night in the fridge. They just need to be heated up for a few minutes. I'm gonna go lay down, alright?"
You gave one more small grin and set your glass in the sink before walking past him. You didn't make it very far before Michael grabbed your arm. His grip was firm, but not painful. He knows.
"Michael, please let me go. I'm exhausted. I'm sorry I can't make a fresh dinner and-" he gave your arm a light shake without letting go. He was no longer asking, but demanding you to tell him what was really bothering you.

    A tear fell down your cheek. Oh no. Please, not yet. Damn it, eyes, just wait another few minutes.
"Michael, please-" you whispered shakily.
He didn't move or let go. So you yanked your arm out of his grip. A little harder than you meant to, but you needed to get away.
"I'm gonna lay down." You spat out quickly before making your way to your room. Michael hadn't moved from his spot when your shut the door of your bedroom. Clamping your hand over your mouth just in time to muffle a choked sob, you throw yourself on the bed and under the covers. You pulled the blanket up to your chin and buried your face in your pillow to contain the sounds of your crying.

    Minutes pass and your tears have barely let up. Ugh, the pillow is soaked with salty spots now and you know you look a mess and-
Shit. The bedroom door just opened. He was trying to be quiet but he was there. You tried your best to even out your breathing and pretend to be asleep. Michael is smart and observant; he also knows you can't fall asleep that quickly, but maybe he'll believe that you're really passed out. You told him how tired you were after all. Just keep your eyes closed and your breathing even. In and out. Inhale and exhale. Nice and normal.

    You felt a hand on your shoulder. His touch was so gentle. As if you were made of porcelain and could shatter into pieces at the smallest of touches. Those hands that have known nothing but roughness and how to hurt were so gentle and kind right now touching you. That simple act made you lose your composure. Something as simple as a touch made the tears start all over again. The weight of the bed shifted and a warmth cautiously and slowly surrounded you. His arm snaked around your waist and fingers lightly stroke at your stomach. He was stiff at first, not used to giving affection. But he quickly relaxed, entangled his legs with yours.

    You felt warm lips peck at your shoulder and your head a few times.
'Wait, did he take his mask off?' You'd never seen him with his mask off before aside from him rolling it above his mouth to eat. You wanted so bad to turn and look, to see his face, but you forced yourself not to. You respected his privacy and boundaries too much to do that. Everything he was doing already was more than you could of ever expected. You reached down and placed your hand on top of his. You expected him to pull away or even just to flinch at the affection. He usually did. He pulled away less and less the further into the relationship you got. But he usually flinched when you would show him affection. But he never pushed you away or got mad as long as you respected his boundaries.

    He didn't flinch when you placed your hand on his. This made you smile a bit before the tears started again. And just like that, the warmth pulled away from you. You were scared you may have upset him after all before you felt Michael's hand roll you over so you were chest-to-chest. His hand on the back of your head, fingers tangled in your hair, your face was pushed into his chest before you could see him. His chin rested on the top of your head and when you sniffled, you heard a quiet "shh..." and his other hand rubbing your back.
"I'm sorry, Michael... It's just that everything went wrong today. It was one thing after another and I just hate people seeing me cry."
He understood. He always struggled with showing emotions, especially ones that made him feel vulnerable. He stroked your hair softly until he heard your sniffles slow and then finally stop.

    You pulled yourself back from the comfort of his chest and covered your eyes with your hand. You wanted him to know you weren't going to look at his face without it being on his terms. You leaned up and lightly pecked his cheek.
"Thank you, Michael..." You said quietly.
For a moment things were too quiet. Opening your mouth, about to let an apology spill out for possibly pushing him too far with the kiss on the cheek. A familiar hand grabbed your wrist and slowly pulled your hand off of your eyes. Your breath hitched and your eyes clamped shut. Did he mean to do that? Michael sighed and tapped your temple twice. He actually wanted you to look...?
"A-Are you sure...?" You whispered only to get an annoyed huff in response.
Your eyes opened slowly. The room was dark, but you could see him. And wow... He was stunning. You knew you loved him before this. You adored him for who he was. But in this moment, your heart skipped a beat. You reached up, lightly brushing your fingers across his cheek, tracing his jawline, and looked into his eyes.
"You're so sweet and so, so handsome..." you murmured.
If it wasn't dark, you could of swore he was blushing. Of course, he would never admit it if he was.

    Michael leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on your forehead. You smiled and placed your hand on his chest.
"Thank you... for comforting me. For being patient with me. For trusting me," you ran your finger across his cheek again, "to show me... you." Your hand slid back down to his chest and you broke eye contact with him.
"What did I do to deserve you...?" You said, frowning.
Michael grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him again. Your eyes met his once again and his thumb ran over your bottom lip. Both of your heartbeats sped up as he closed the small distance in between you, kissing you. It was gentle, full of love, warm. An eternity fit into just the span of a few seconds.

    Your eyes grew heavy as the day and all of the emotions you felt finally caught up to you. You melted into his arms as sleep began to overtake you.
"I love you, Michael..." you whispered before you fell asleep.
When he was sure you were asleep, he ran his fingers lightly over your arm, so lightly he was barely touching you.
"I love you too... (Y/N)..." Michael whispered. He glanced over all of your features one more time before he shut his eyes too. Being in his arms made you feel safe. With him, you felt like you were home. And he would never admit it out loud, but he felt the same way.

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