Chapter 11: The Other Widows

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I'm now making my way to the office and  I run into Yelena and she has the gas wrapped around a grenade. 

Y/N: What's the plan?

Yelena: We throw a grenade.

Yelena and I then make it to the office and see that Nat fighting off the widow's. 

Y/N: Throw it!

She nods then, pulls the pin on the grenade. She then throws the grenade in the air. 

It explodes and the gas then falls down onto the widow's which causes them to stop attacking and they all look around confused.

I see Nat stand and come over to us and she had a blade in her shoulder which Yelena pulls out.

Natasha: Get as far away from here as possible. You all get to make your own choices now. 

We then hear the place start to fall apart. 

Y/N: We gotta get outta here. 

Yelena: We need to find Dreykov. You coming? 

Natasha: I'll be right behind you. 

She goes over to Dreykov's desk. Nat then says there is Widows all over the world who need to be freed.

Then once Nat has the files on a thumb drive she then shuts everything down. 

Y/N: Nat, we have to go.

Nat and I leave the office and try to make it down to the landing platform. 

As we leave, fire comes out of the elevator to the floor.

Nat and I just manage to dodge it and we run towards a window and Nat then pulls her guns out and she shoots out the window. 

Then we both dive out just before the fire can hit us.

As we fall Nat and I spin around and we catch ourselves on a railing to stop our fall but my hand slips and start to fall but Nat grabs my hand.

Then I look down and I see Dreykov's men escaping and the Red Room was blowing up. 

Nat then swings me forward and I land back inside a few floors below, then Nat swings inside next to me.

Then as we are running we fall down a level because the floor gave out.

Nat and I get up and we see Taskmaster in the cell infront of us. 

Natasha: I can't leave her.

Y/N: Her?

Natasha: She's Dreykovs daughter. It's my fault she's like this. I have to help her.

She steps towards the cell. 

Natasha: Antonia. 

Nat the talks to her for a minute and then she opens up the cell. 

Then the taskmaster is taken out by a floor and then Nat and I slide down as the floor beaks apart. 

Then we get to the edge and Nat catches herself with the axes and I once again can't hang on and Nat catches my hand again.

Y/N: I so need a vacation.

Natasha: I guess nows a good time to tell you that I'm pregnant.

I look up at Nat in shock. She was pregnant.

(Five minutes later)

Nat and I have just come across the taskmaster who managed to get back to us.

Y/N: I'll deal with Taskmaster! 

Nat nod and then she dives down to catch up with Yelena. 

I spin around and see Taskmaster is getting closer to me. 

I then find myself on falling debris and I slide down it.

Taskmaster also lands on it and slows herself down by using her sword. 

Y/N: Come on!

Taskmaster comes at me and tackles me and we start falling together.

As we're trying to fight each other, I get thrown and I fall to a platform and I black out.

(Five minutes later) 

When I wake up, I see Natasha standing by me.

Natasha: Hey.

Y/N: Hi.

I smile and I sit up. 

Nat then grabs my arm and looks at it. 

Natasha: We need to find a way to get the feeling back in your arm.

I look down at my arm.

Y/N: I'm open to ideas.

Then we kiss.

Y/N: I heard you right. Your pregnant?

Nat smiles and nods.

Y/N: Why didn't you tell me?

Natasha: To be honest I was scared.

Y/N: You're telling me the first kid I didn't even know existed.

Natasha: Well this child you do.

Y/N: We'll figure this out together.

Natasha: Together.

Then she and I join Yelena, Alexei and Melina.

Natasha: Everybody good? 

Melina: I am clearly injured. 

I look at Alexei.

Y/N: You got something to say?

Alexei: I'd just mess it up.

Then after saying goodbye to Yelena I turn to see cars coming towards us. 

Y/N: Well, here comes the cavalry. 

Melina: So, what's our plan? 

Nat and I step forward. 

Natasha: You guys go.

Alexei: That's insanity. We fight, we fight with you. 

Y/N: We'll hold them off. 

They try to argue with us but we send them off. 

Natasha: You guys just go. 

Melina: Oh my god. 

Y/N: You know, it's weird. I thought my family was crazy. Your the craziest family I've ever met. And yet, I'm proud to be apart of it.

They all smile.

Then Nat gives Yelena the thumb drive so she can help the widow's around the world. 

Then everyone leaves besides, Nat and myself.

Nat and I look and see that Ross and his men are getting closer. 

Y/N: What's the plan?

Natasha: Me? Your usually the one that comes up with the plans.

Y/N: Ugh, here we go.

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