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   The sound of the attack rang in my ears. Bloody screams, mixed with the crashing of the city walls echoed through the red brick passage. Of course, I was safe. Hiding in the recesses of the tunnel, along with the few that believed. No, not believed... acted. Several years earlier, I was sent here. Prior to this, I lived in the light of my King, safely in his castle walls. Life was easy then, He was all I cared about. He still is, but somehow it's different now, harder to keep my focus on him. I remember one day, talking with my King in one of his courtrooms. It was adorned with pure white, purple, and green. Though sometimes hard, I always wanted to obey my King, but this particular day, I wanted to do something for him. As if my gratitude and love for him had grown so much, it blossomed into blue flowers. "I want to do more for you," I told him, "You have done so much for me that I don't deserve, and love me more than I can imagine, I want to serve you in return." He looked at me with kind eyes, and smiled. "I love you my child, and your time to serve has come." He stood up and walked to the large window overlooking the city of Terra. The city was built by the King, and though you could not see the King's castle from it, you could see the city from the castle. The King had much love for the people of Terra, and longed to remain their King, but the people of Terra gave him no choice but to let new rulers take his place. The rulers of Terra had a deep hatred and jealousy toward the King, and attempted to keep Him from ever entering the city. However, the King was far more powerful than the rulers, and he did adopt many of the citizens of Terra into his own family and kingdom. I was one of those few. I lived in Terra for many years, but now, I have a new ruler, my loving King, and Father. He turned to me, and gestured for me to come to his side. He put his arm around me as I leaned onto his chest. We looked over the great city in silence for a moment. I looked up to his face to see if hewould speak, and I saw tears on his face. "I love the citizens of Terra. It is my desire that all of them would be saved," He said, as he gazed upon his rightfully owned city. "Saved?" I asked perplexed, "Saved from what?" "There is an attack coming upon the city, and the city will have no power to stop it. The city will go up in flames, and many of the people will burn." He had sadness in his voice as he went on, "But there is a way out. Not only do I offer protection, but I offer open arms to anyone who wishes. All the abused, all the abusers. All the wronged, and all the wrongdoers. They all may find love and safety within my walls." "Through the tunnel?" I asked, bringing to mind the way he led meout of the city. "Yes, by my tunnel." He then turned to me, and looked me in the eyes, "I am sending you back. Go back to the city, and warn the citizens. The day of the attack is nearing." I felt a desire, compassion, and motivation rise up within me. I hadto tell others! I had to warn them, and I had to tell them of the incredible love and life my King brings. "Tell them of the attack, but more importantly, tell them of my love." As I looked into his eyes, my passion only grew. People had to know. The king gave me a beautiful purple bracelet. He said it would separate me from the citizenship of Terra, and show where my loyalty was. He told me of many other messengers he had sent to Terra, and told me to look for them. He warned me not to indulge in the cities affairs, for it would make the purple bracelet fade. "And remember, I'm always there when you call," He told me, and I knew it to be true. Once I had entered the city, I looked up to the gray sky. Sure enough, I could not see the Kings castle from here, but I knew it wasthere, and found comfort in the thought of the King was watching me. My bracelet glowed slightly in the dark city, as I looked through the crowds, searching for messengers like me. It was difficult, for many had bracelets that appeared like mine, but lacked color entirely. Eventually, I managed to find the meeting place for the messengers.When I entered, I was relieved to find that there was a bounteous number of messengers, all with candescent purple bracelets. I spoke with several individuals that, after inquiring, informed me they were passionate to tell others about the attack, and the Kings love. In the days that followed, I met countless citizens of Terra, telling them all about the attack soon to come, of the tunnel that provided a way to safety, and of the King's love. Many told me I was offbeat and insane, but I didn't care. I didn't wish for anyone to suffer, and warning people of the attack was far more important than my comfort or status. Then one day, I was speaking with a citizen, forewarning him of the attack. But as I was speaking to him, he interrupted. "I know," He told me smiling, "For I too am a messenger sent fromour King." I paused in astonishment. I glanced at his arm. There was a bracelet much like mine, but was completely achromatic and withoutcolor. In fact, he appeared to be like a citizens of Terra. "Do you not remember me from the meeting?" He asked. As I looked into his eyes, I realized I had in fact spoke with him at the meeting. However, as I recalled his bracelet appeared to be bursting with color on the day of the meeting. "Oh, yes of course," I said, attempting not to show my disappointment at the realization of his hypocrisy. Days grew into months, and months drifted to years. Over time thesky darkened from gray, to deep black. But the darker the sky, the more visible my illuminated bracelet would be. It caused many to inquire of me what it was, which would present me with an opportunity to inform them of my Kings love, and the coming attack. It wasn't uncommon for me to lose focus, and my bracelet's color would fade. But, my King was always faithful to call it to my attention, and show me how to change. The day of the coming attack seemed never to come, and many messengers removed their bracelets entirely. Even more common than that, was to allow their bracelets to fade into a flat, absence of color, with a non existing glow. Without any thought or motive to restore the beauty or elegance it once held. Compromise became the expected. Regardless of this fact, every time us messengers would meet together, all bracelets would be bursting with counterfeit color. Then one day, a fellow messenger asked me an important, yet controversial question. "Why do you not ever do things in Terra to benefit yourself?" He asked me, "You live in a small house, eat common food, and spend all your time telling others about the King and the attack." "How could I do anything for myself when there are so many livesat stake?" I answered him. "I understand that, but the King wouldn't want us to be miserable, surely you have time for both?" "I'm not miserable, and I do have things I indulge in for enjoymentand edification, so long as I know it will benefit my loyalty to the King, and not diminish it," I told him, "And besides, the impending attack, and the safety and love found in the King, is so immensely more important then any, and all things of Terra. Everyone is going to experience this attack, like it or not, prepared or not. And everything they did in Terra that did not benefit the King, or their citizenship to the King, will not matter. We need to tell everyone!" Suddenly, a loud war cry rang out. The city wall crumbled thunderously, revealing a vastly immense army no one could fight. Arrows of fire splintered all through the city, setting it ablaze. The attack was here. I turned to the messenger I was speaking with. "Why are we standing idol?!" I said with excitement in my voice, "The attack has finally come! Let's flee to the tunnel!" But he didn't move, as if he knew he was chained to the city and didn't bother running. He watched the city burn before his eyes. It was then that I realized what he, and many more so called messengers truly were. They were not messengers at all, they were citizens... of Terra. So attached to the city that was intended to be a temporary place, that they were chained by it, and thus, would burn with it. All they saw before this moment was the temporary. Too near sighted to see the long term, or think about the end. 

 And I have to wonder... how many of us, are the same?

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