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Hello! Welcome to my 3rd story!

I would just like to start out by saying that yes, this might be an odd crossover of genres, but I hope some of you'll enjoy it anyway!

I recently fell back into my Wizarding World phase and had to urge to write something, so initially, I thought I could just write a Harry Potter fanfiction, but then I sort of developed an idea involving the concept of international students at Hogwarts. I intended to make this with original characters, but I decided it would be easier (and more interesting for readers) to add some known faces to this. What helped me decide on Minimo were the pictures from their Halloween 2020 dance practice, aka the book cover!

Even though this technically is fanfiction, the characters in this story are not supposed to reflect anybody in real life. Everything in this book is purely fictional. I have not portrayed any of their real-life experiences and I do not ship them in any real context. In this story, the only things the characters truly have in common with their real counterparts are their names and looks. I do not intend to push a shipping agenda onto real people — especially when they're this young.

This story starts in 2011 and ends in 2018, which means that both Min-hee and Jung-mo (and Allen) are born in 2000!

Also, partially because I'm lazy, but also partially because it would feel odd if it wasn't this way, everything that happened in the Wizarding World is canon and fully exists, so many of the teachers at Hogwarts are also the ones from the original books. Very minor Harry Potter spoilers ahead! (But not really, it's pretty much just Min-hee having a crush on him.)

This story is also available on AO3 under the same name! My username is also SH7HYUN.

In advance, thank you for reading!

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