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Thump, thump, thump.

Gabriella's heart beat was as steady as it had always been. She slept so peacefully in my arms as we checked into the vacation home, we had booked for our short stay in my home town.

It was the first time I had felt at peace, being here. My life before had been hasty movements from one country to another.

And whenever the going got though, I would find myself back in Mexico, because it was the only place that felt like home. Yet I still never felt safe.


I never knew if a recent victim of mine would find me and slit my throat open for stealing all his money, it was difficult, yet really easy to see the lengths these rich people would go, so I couldn't be too careful.

But for the first time in years, I felt completely safe back here. And I took my time to soak in everything that had turned out to be completely blurry in the past years due to the kind of life I lived.

Cade had been all for it when I told him I wanted to come to my home town for the short vacation.

I'd never known anyone as supportive as he was.

Things had been beyond great between us, the love dazzling within our little family of three was all I lived to see another day for.

When Gabriella was born, she was the prettiest little girl I'd ever seen, and I just couldn't let go of her. She felt like my life line and if I had to let go, I would never be the same again.

The feeling of being a mother was overwhelming.

These babies just come into your life and sweep you off your feet, making it impossible for you to remember how your life was before they showed up.

It had been a year now since we had Gabriella, and the feelings grew even more intense.

It was basically unexplainable.

"Your arms must be killing you; I'll take her to bed." Cade offered after setting up our things in the bedroom.

"I don't mind." I looked up from a sleeping Gabriella, at Cade who smiled softly at me, before stroking her cheeks.

"Careful there, don't get too clingy, you might just scare her off."

"Look who's talking? You're the creepy Dad who wakes up in the middle of the night to see if his daughter's still breathing."

"What the—it's not a crime to check up on her, okay? my parents used to do the same."

I smiled at him. "I love that you do it. I'm pretty sure she loves you more than she does me at this point."

"I feel like that's a good thing."

I chuckled, looking ahead.

The city was huge... I couldn't help but feel everything I saw. The people, the culture, the smell of late-night greasy food, the beautiful night sky, the music... it was all so beautiful. I was glad that Cade picked such a lovely vacation house, it had the best view to the city, and I just couldn't wait to wake up to the view of the beautiful city for the time being.

"What do you wanna do first?" he asked me, leaning on the railing, also looking like he was enjoying the view.

A smile stretched on my lips.

"Make sure you don't get mugged while we go out for a walk tomorrow." I joked, earning a playful cute glare from him.

I chuckled, my eyes going back to the beautiful view of the city. "I want to see everything I've seen before." I told him. "I know that sounds weird but—I used to see things in a different point of view, and I never once appreciated the little things. So, I think it'll be nice, replacing my old memories with better ones."

Cade's gaze fell on me, the same time I looked over at him, in time to see a beautiful smile dance its way to his lips.

"And you know what's even better?" I asked him.


"I get to experience it all with you, and Gabriella."

His smile broadened, his fingers coming to smooth my messy hair away from the jealous wind blowing it in all directions of my face.

"I adore you, Mrs. Chesterfield."

My heart swelled at his words. "As do I, Mr. Chesterfield."

Then he kissed me, and not only did I feel the fireworks from his kiss, I felt the promise that was made with the kiss.

The promise of a home. The promise of forever. The promise made by a man who despite everything, loved me with his whole heart.

I smiled into the kiss.

I think I might just stick around forever.


Thank you, guys, so much for reading! The support, your patience, you love, EVERYTHING has been delightfully overwhelming!

I hope you've enjoyed the story so far, and I hope one way or the other, it has helped you!

Do stick around for the next Chesterfield story, if you didn't get the chance to tell me which of the story you want next, you can head to the last chapter and comment there, or you can just comment here on this one!

Keep this book in your libraries as I will be announcing here when the Chesterfield #3 will be out!

You can also follow my Instagram, to keep up with updates, and Chesterfield #3 spoilers/the series social media activities from the characters! (username: therebeccayouknow)

Till then, I'll see you, when I see you!

Enjoy the few hours left of this year!

Cheers to a great 2022!

With all the love, (I'm just gonna do it)

Nora the Explorer!

Haha! See ya!

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