The Castle and the Guard Dog

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Chapter 6

The Castle and the Guard Dog

I was awoken by the sound of the car being turned off. I looked out the window and was amazed. The house looked like a mansion. As I stepped out of the car a big white dog came running at me. I screamed as he knocked me over and started licking my face.

 “Oh my I’m so sorry” someone said.

 “Ollie get off the poor girl” The Voice said. The dog whimpered as he got off me and went to sit by Luka, who was laughing at me. I glared as I got up.

 “I’m sorry, he’s never so friendly with someone he’s just met” a man said, his bright green eyes reminded me of Lukas. I smiled, this must be his dad.

 “It’s alright” I said brushing myself off. The dog, Ollie walked back over to me and licked my hand. I laughed.

 “Alright boy. It’s alright, your forgiven” I said. He barked at me causing me to flinch. Luka stepped closer to me but I shook my head.

 “I’m fine” I mouthed to him. He nodded but didn’t seem convinced. I sighed and looked back at Lukas father. He smiled at me.

 “You must be Luka’s friend” he said. I raised an eyebrow at Luka in question. Was I his friend?

 “Yes sir” I said uncertainly. He shook his head with a smile.

 “Please, call me Damion” he said. I nodded.

 “Well, please come in” he said with a friendly smile.

 “Thank you” I said as I walked past him. I gasped as I saw the inside of the house. It was all trimmed in gold. I looked over at Luka, he shrugged. We walked up the stairs and into a small hallway off to the right. We passed two doors before we stopped.

 “This door” he said pointing to the door on the right side of the hallway “is mine” he said as he opened the door and walked in. His room was amazing. The walls were dark blue and he had plush black carpet and a black king sized bed in the middle of the room, to the left of the bed was his desk and on the other side of the bedroom were two doors. Probably his bathroom and closet. Luka walked past me and sat back on his bed, pulling off his shoes and laid back staring at me in boredom.

 “Go on, start asking questions” he said. I nodded and sat down next to the bed keeping my distance from him. He narrowed his eyes at me in question. I guess he had noticed but he didn’t say anything, which I was grateful for. We spent what felt like hours with me asking him useless questions trying not to ask something to personal so he wouldn’t shut down on me. I wrote down each question and there answer. After a while I ran out of questions and we sat there as I finished writing down his answers. All of a sudden there was a loud bang on the door and Luka sat up in the bed and rushed down the stairs not even caring if he stepped on me in the process. I stared after him wondering if I should follow him. After a moment I sighed and slowly walked down the stairs. The sight I saw as I walked into the living room made me gasp in horror.

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