Day 7, Part 1

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I feel around for Bakugou as I begin to wake up, only to realize he's gone. Fluttering my eyes open, disappointment overtakes me. However, I know better than to assume he willingly ditched me. He probably left to work out, because that's just who he is. Always working to improve himself. I smile at the thought, a smile stretching even wider once I reminisce about last night's events.

Sitting up in bed, I feel fantastic. That's the best sleep I've had in a while. Perhaps Bakugou snuggling me for a majority of the night has something to do with that. My excitement from everything that's happened woke me up a few times in the middle of the night, and every time Bakugou's arm was still wrapped tightly around me, as if he were scared I'd slip away even an inch. I turned my head each time to softly kiss his cheek, which resulted in him smiling in his sleep. It was easily one of the most precious things I've ever seen.

I climb out of bed, figuring I may as well get ready for the day while Bakugou's at the gym. But once I grab my phone off the nightstand, my eyes widen when I notice the time.


Well, at least that explains why I feel so well rested. Before I can think too much about where Bakugou could have gone since he's certainly not at the gym at this hour, I realize he texted me a few hours ago.

Bakugou: Text me when you wake up. Would've done it myself but you looked like you needed rest
Bakugou: also you're fucking adorable when you sleep

Beneath his message, he attaches a picture.

I run a hand through my hair, blush rising to my cheeks at the thought of Bakugou finding me cute enough to snap a picture of me as I sleep

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I run a hand through my hair, blush rising to my cheeks at the thought of Bakugou finding me cute enough to snap a picture of me as I sleep. As much as it excites me, my mind is still blown by all of this. Bakugou, who publicly declared to everyone how much he hated the idea of rooming with me on this cruise all of a week ago, is now sending me his own version of a flirtatious text message.

Life is weird.

But I won't complain.

After changing into a fresh set of clothes and performing the rest of my morning routine, I answer his message.

Todoroki: I'm awake now, where are you?

For all I know, Bakugou's in the pool, so I don't expect him to respond right away. I slip into my sandals and make for the door, deciding that I'll head to the pool deck first to try to locate him or any of my friends. But he texts back once I step into the hallway.

Bakugou: Just got to the food court for lunch
Bakugou: please join, I miss you

I fight back a smile since I'm in public and don't want anyone passing by to catch me smiling at my phone like a lovesick teenager. When I step into the elevator, I reply.

Todoroki: On my way

Then, feeling bold, I send him one last message.

Todoroki: 😘

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