Ending 2 (lia)

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"Not.. safe..?" He said under his breath so quietly that it was hard to hear him. "My sunshine is ONLY safe with me." His eyes started glowing red, similar to moons, as his whole demeanour changed to something unrecognisable to the sun robot. Something much more dangerous.

Sun tried to jump onto Lia but she moved out of the way in time and pulled you with her. She started booking it down the hall with you in her arms. "We'll get out of this, don't worry darling." She said to try calm your nerves. As sun turned to see Lia taking off with you, he failed to remember the night guard pointing a taser at him.

Vanessa shot the taser at sun, landing on his back causing him to falter. He was still. Vanessa kept her guard up incase for whatever reason it didn't work on him and he was still online. After not long though there was smoke coming from his circuits and wires from on the inside of his metal outer shell and he fell to the floor. He was repairable but he needed some serious coding and memory wipes done.

"Such a shame.." Vanessa muttered under her breath she went to the nearest phone, being a phone that was in the daycare on the security desk to call her boss and let them know what has happened. It's finally over.

Lia's POV:

After not hearing much happening behind me and that me and (y/n) weren't being chased I slowed down my running to a walk and headed towards the door I came in through. We needed to leave. I looked down and saw (y/n) fast asleep in my arms. 'Poor kid.. the adrenaline must have worn off.' We where nearing the exit at a reasonable pace. Finally freedom is so close.

I used by security key once again to unlock the door and head out. It was pretty cold and I don't want (y/n) to get sick so I headed in my car that was still unlocked and sat there for a while. Thinking over everything that has happened within the last 24 hours. This must be traumatic for the poor kid that still rested in my arms. I decided to let them sleep and placed them gently in the back seat of my car, making sure to put their seatbelt on.

Soon after some thinking I decided that I would take (y/n) home and look for their mother in the morning. They deserve a rest. So I started my car with a soft rev of the engine, pulling out of the parking lot and heading towards home.

(Y/n)'s POV:

You woke up to the sound of a kettle boiling in another room. 'Huh where am I?' You looked around to see a fairly plain bedroom that you didn't recognise. Maybe a guest room? You tried to recall what had happened and the last thing you remember before falling asleep was Lia running with you in her arms. This must be Lia's house!

You bolted up and though the door to see Lia making two hot drinks in a kitchen. She looked at you and smiled. "Good morning sweetheart. I made you some hot chocolate." She greeted you.

"Hot chocolate!!" Hot chocolate wasn't exactly your favourite drink but it definitely made the top 3. She giggled at your words and gave you your mug warning you that it was hot. After some silence of you drinking your hot chocolate and Lia seeming to be thinking of what to say, she finally spoke up.

"Hey (y/n), darling..?" You gave a hum in response signalling for Lia to continue. "Do you know where you live so I can take you back home to your mum?" She would really miss you if you left but it was the right thing to do and she didn't want to kidnap you obviously.

You seemed to be beaming at the thought of your mother. "Yeah! It's (address)!" You chugged the rest of your drink, ready to go home. Lia grabbed her keys and headed to the door signalling you to follow.

"Ready to go home?"



After a peaceful fairly quick drive you and Lia made it to your house. "Is this the one?" Lia looked over to you and you nodded your head fast. "Let's go then" she said with a lightly sad smile. you both headed out of the car, Lia making sure to lock it and headed to the door to ring the door bell. After a few seconds of no reply, she tried it again.

'Huh.. maybe the doorbell doesn't work?' Lia thought to herself. Meanwhile you where basically bouncing on your spot excited to finally be home. Lia knocked on the door but the door creaked open at the contact. Weird.. you ran inside to find your mum while Lia followed incase no one was home. After some wondering, Lia spotted a note on the bench. She read it and her heart dropped. 'A suicide note?..' oh god.

Little did she know there was a similar note in you mothers car at the scene.

She called you over. "(Y/n) can you come here for a sec?"

"I don't see mum.. is she out looking for me?" You said as you walked in the room

"Do you have any other family that we can go to?"

"Only mums wife but she's on a business trip.. how come? Where's mum?" This wasn't good the note said that their wife was gone..

"Let's go back to my house ok? I'll explain later I promise"

"Huh? Ok?"


The cops showed up to both your house and Lia's house getting the full story. A nice police man named terry ended up breaking the news to you in a nice was that a child could understand. Saying that their mother was in a better place.. You didn't stop crying into Lias arms.

Since you had no other family to go to, the police said that you would be taken to an orphanage. However Lia spoke up. "Is there any way that I could adopt (y/n) officer?"

"Yes there is, we'll send someone to your house soon with adoption papers and to check your background history. But you should be fine, it's just a safety precaution really." The officer explained

"How does that sound to you (y/n)?" Lia looked to you still hugging her and crying. You didn't say anything but simply nodded your head 'yes'.

With all that cleared up the police left soon after and now all there was to do was wait for the adoption person to come, which could take a few days. Lia put in her two weeks to quit her job soon after you fell asleep on her couch.

Looks like Lia has a child now.. she certainly didn't expect this to happen but she wasn't complaining.


A month had passed and neither (y/n) or Lia could remember what it was like living without the other. Everything was finally being normal and they where a happy family, watching cartoons on the tv late at night with (y/n) cuddling up to Lia on the edge of falling asleep using their new mother as a pillow. It would've been a very wholesome moment if there wasn't a certain night time daycare attendant lurking outside the window watching them, rage bubbling inside of him as he saw Lia so close to his starlight. He'll fix that.

Ending 2/4 "Lia"

Words: 1261


I honestly got carried away with this one a bit-

Yandere Sundrop & moondrop x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now