01 | Witness

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"Thank you for shopping at Daisy's Boutique shop!" [Y/N] said as the customer left with their bags in hand. She sighed right after the customer left the shop. It's been a boring, yet exhausting day of constant work. 'I wish I was at home now.' she thought to herself.

After a hard, though stressful day at work, darkness was slowly approaching as well as [Y/N]'s shift coming to an end.

No matter how rude the customers are or how awful her co-workers are to her, the pay was okay. It was decent, but not the greatest. Landing the job as cashier, [Y/N] wasn't expecting to get paid much, but for the time being she was okay with it.

Daisy's Boutique shop wasn't big, but rather small yet customers would pour in like crazy mobs. It was clearly worse when there was clearance sales. It's those days were Daisy, the owner of the boutique shop, needs all the help she could get since she couldn't do this all alone.

Tonight, it was only [Y/N] and Daisy working the shop. When [Y/N] got the call that she was needed, she did not hesitate. Since school was out for summer vacation, the girl was hoping to earn more money for new outfits, a possible new phone, and as well as supplies when school begins again in the first week of August, which would be her last year at the high school.

Currently, it was June 6th and [Y/N]'s tenth day working at the small clothing store. Everything was going smoothly for the girl so far. She hasn't had a hard time at work yet, although she had to deal with the complaints of her co-workers ever so often. As for [Y/N], she rarely complained. There wasn't much to complain about except when it came to those annoying customers or perhaps her lazy co-workers.

It was the customers that made the job ten times more complicated than it really was. Some were always on the rush, or maybe perhaps having a bad day which leads back to having a bad mood. Nonetheless, the girl did not let anything or anyone ruin her mood at work. Daisy admired that about her. It's probably the reason why she hired her in the first place. On some occasions, Daisy, herself, would also get angry at the disrespectful customers almost to the point of losing her temper, but only for [Y/N] to intervene and handle the customer herself. Daisy was ever so grateful to have a hardworking employee like [Y/N] working for her at the shop.

"It's closing time!" announced Daisy. [Y/N] glanced up from her phone to see Daisy approach her at the counter. "You can head home, sweetie. I'll close up shop." Daisy said. "Are you sure? I can close up shop if you want. I mean, you usually are the first and last person to get here and leave this place. I'm sure you don't get a lot of sleep." [Y/N] replied. Daisy smiled at her, relieved. "Really? Oh, thank you so much! I honestly don't know what I would do without you, sweetie."

Daisy gathered her belongings and waved back at [Y/N] as she left the building. The girl only sighed and stretched out her arms as she slowly felt her body grow exhausted. Yawning, she went to the back of the store to make sure the security system was on and running. She checked out the T.V. screen monitor which showed that all cameras are on and working. She made sure that the back door of the store was locked and then made her way to the front. At the front of the store, she made sure that the cash registers are all locked and everything else is put away.

She gathered her belongings in to her purse and slipped on her sweater over her head. She picked her phone up and placed it in her purse as to not leave it behind on accident. As she placed her purse over her shoulder, there was a sudden scream and hard knocking that sounded.

Alarmed, she ducked down behind the counter for safety. "Help please! Help me! Someone! He's coming after me!" said an unknown female voice. Slowly, [Y/N] rose up and peeked over the counter to see a girl slumped up against the door, tears staining her round face. Contemplating whether or not to aid the girl, she went for it. She dashed up and opened the door for the girl to run in. The girl didn't move which puzzled [Y/N] until she took a good look at the unknown girl.

The unknown girl wore a bloody, stained white blouse and and as well as stained blue jeans. The female held a hand to her stomach, which was still bleeding profusely. "Hurry, please help me before he comes and gets me." she whimpered.

[Y/N] hooked her arms under mystery girls arms and dragged her in to the store. She quickly locked the front door and turned off the lights. She dragged the girl behind the counter and set her down carefully. Mystery girl let out short, ragged breaths that soon became too hard to breathe out.

With shaking hands, [Y/N] grabbed her phone out of her purse and quickly dialed 911. As the call was connecting, she heard bangs against the door of the shop. The mystery girl who was laid down, quickly sat up and began to cry. She looked up at [Y/N] and whispered to her, "It's him! It's him! We're going to die!"

[Y/N] shook her head, and put a finger to her lips shushing the injured girl. "911, what's your emergency?" The banging on the door soon grew louder. "Yes, um, I have someone here that is losing blood and I think her attacker is at the door," she spoke in a shushed voice.

"I know you're in there Macy! Come out here now!" said a rough voice. The bleeding, mysterious girl known as Macy began sobbing. "No, no! He's going to kill me!" Macy said to [Y/N]. [Y/N] shook her head. "Not on my watch," she said to Macy. "What is your location?" said a voice through the phone.

[Y/N] quickly told the emergency operator the address and hoped help would arrive in just a few minutes. "Macy..." said the man by the door. "If you don't come out here, I'll have to kill that friend of yours in there as well..." he drawled out slowly.

When Macy heard this, she knew what she had to do. She managed to get on her knees, only for [Y/N] to grab her by the arm, "Are you crazy?! He's going to kill you!" Macy's eyes filled with tears at [Y/N]'s attempt to stop her. "I know. He's been trying to kill me for several weeks now," Macy admitted to her.

[Y/N] opened her mouth and then closed it at the revelation. "I'm lucky to have gotten away the first time, but ever since that day he won't leave me alone." she revealed. "He's going to kill me no matter what and I don't want to you to die as well." [Y/N] swallowed hard and spoke again, "Why haven't you called the police?"

"I've tried, but they won't believe me." Frowning, [Y/N] asked, "What do you mean by that?"

"When they ask for his name, I keep telling them that his name is Jeff the Killer. They think I'm crazy!" Macy exclaimed. "And when they ask for a description, I keep telling them that he has a carved smile and burnt eyelids, but that doesn't matter because they don't help! They never do!" [Y/N] gulped as she said all of this. She began to wonder if this Macy girl was even sane.

"You believe me, right?" Macy asked. [Y/N] did not give her an answer, which made Macy think to herself that she really was crazy. Macy stood up and slowly made her way to the door. "Macy, please don't do this. Help is on the way." [Y/N] said. Macy shook her head and without turning back she said her last words, "What help will they do? Throw me in a mental institution?"

The door opened and then closed. There was no sound afterward, not even cries or screams for help. [Y/N] slid down to the ground and began to sob. She really let Macy go out there. What was she thinking?!

Moments later, the echo of sirens flooded [Y/N]'s ears and she saw flashing red and blue lights. The door was busted open and the boutique shop flooded with armed officers; their weapons in hand. One officer slowly approached [Y/N] and asked, "You made the call?" she nodded and slowly stood on her own two feet.

"Come this way," he said, and she obeyed his commands. As the pair neared to the front, a slumped body on the ground came in to [Y/N]'s view. She choked back a sob as she saw Macy completely covered in blood with multiple stab wounds in her stomach. Her eyes were wide open, starring back in to [Y/N]'s own eyes.

"Macy..." the name escaped [Y/N]'s lips. An officer over at her and asked, "Did you know this person?" she nodded her head, her eyes not able to look away from Macy's corpse. "Not personally, but her name was Macy." she answered honestly.

The officer nodded. "Okay, we need to know what exactly what happened." There after, [Y/N] sat down and explained to the officers exactly what took place in complete detail, too.

After interrogation, the body of Macy was whisked away in a body bag leaving behind a terrified [Y/N] as witness.


not edited, lol. so, this is the first chapter and im satisfied with it.

votes + comments? i really appreciate the reads!!!!

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