The Amor Situation

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[Silver Sunlight: Okay... I need to rant more about the Amor drama... I know this is gonna make this book more controversial than it already is, but I don't really care. (Man these books were supposed to be lighthearted.) They're not here, don't worry I would never expose the villainy of the real world upon them...
I seriously loved his content ever since I heard about the B&B mod. I was inspired by him to hell (That doesn't sound hellthy.), I even wanted to contact him, and the rest of the team, but mostly him, and tell him how much he inspired me and see if he could offer any tips or help on creating a mod/mod team,
but then uda uda uda happened, and along with that my inspiration to make a mod.
When I first heard the news about all the things he had done, I was heartbroken and disappointed when I heard about it and needed to turn to my friends to vent/rant, but that during Christmas break, and none of my friends lived nearby, and... yeah... I cried in bed most of the Christmas break.

And ever since he apologized people have just turned him into a meme and are treating him like shit. Yes, Amor did funk up big time. It's been three to four weeks since it happened people need to leave Amor alone at this point... yeah he did do something bad, but people should not send death threats to him, people just need to leave him alone and stop making memes of the situation.

And for funk sake stop misusing the word pedophile, it isn't some word to be thrown around. While groomer can be used, pedophilia is not at all close to what Amor is. On top of that, so many people were saying that they wanted to see him to change, even if you all knew you could never forgive him, yet you continue to jump on the bandwagon of sending endless constant hate and harassment to him and people who made or still make B&B content. You are no better, you are immature and hypocritical.
While you are completely in the right for hating what he did, and what he did is funking unforgivable. I believe you are still missing and forgetting the fact that he is still a damn person. He is going to face the consequences of his actions. If you keep beating him down, he will have no way of getting up to redeem himself however he can, even if, being forgiven is impossible.
I hope that with professional help from his therapist he can improve as a person, I have to admit again that he disappointed me when I found out about all this, but I still have hope that the Amor we've always seen in live streams and videos is in there, I will still admire his work and what he has achieved, but more from afar until everything blows over. I believe in second chances a lot of it, it's not gonna happen in a few months or even a funking year, but I believe that slowly he can change for the better and slowly gain our trust again (And let's not forget the lil' Timmy's who don't even understand what's happening.). Until then I'm not quite ready to fully forgive him.
But now I fear it may never happen.
Amor made a tweet 
a couple of days ago that said: "I'm killing myself tomorrow, there's nothing to stop me now..." yet it was quickly deleted. That is concerning as funk. Now, I don't wanna know if that tweet was for real, but if it was, I kinda feel like it's my fault.

Silver's eyes fill up with tears as he continues.

Silver Sunlight: It's partly my fault isn't it.

What started as a joke might have been what pushed him off the edge.

Silver Sunlight: I'm such a funking idiot.
If you joked about Amor's death/joked about him committing suicide, sent him death threats or self-harm comments, funk you (Yes even myself, I funking hate myself.). Even if it's a small part I, undoubtedly, played a part in this. You are a disgusting and twisted human being and should be funking ashamed of yourself. As a person who has seen other's try to commit suicide myself, it is never funking okay to joke about this shit, especially if you don't know the person. No matter who they are or what they did, you are funking disgusting if you're joking about it. If Amor actually does do that it will just make things worse as well as it's just taking things too way far.
Like it or not the people who kept jabbing at him after everything will potentially end up being the real reason behind his choice of suicide, if it happens because of us then we are no better than he was. Call me defensive and biased if you want,
I am highly aware that I might sound like that to some of you. Funking report this story if you want.
But things have gone way too far and out of control. If Amor is actually considering killing himself then we funked up somewhere.
If I had goddamn a way to reach out to him I would try to talk him out of it, but I can't and I don't have a way to contact him. All I can do as an individual who wants him to be safe as a person is pray and hope that he doesn't actually do it, but seeing the amount of "Children" related jokes in the comment's I doubt myself.
Again what he did was bad, but death is something that he doesn't deserve.
I don't want to argue with anyone on this. I genuinely hope that he is okay and doesn't go through with it.
And Amor if by some goddamn miracle reading this, suicide is not the answer. I know everything probably hurts and everything you had going is gone, but you'll only bring pain and guilt if you kill yourself. As someone who has seen and slightly tried to kill themselves years ago it's not worth it, it'll only hurt your friends and family and the people trying to help you get better. You still have your whole life ahead of you!
I believe you can change to be a better person but get a hold of yourself and calm down, you can try to turn things around, but get some more therapy to talk some things out. Also, take a few good months or even a year off of YT and any other kind of social media platform until things have finally settled down, It takes time and effort to change to become a better person and until then, hopefully, things will get a bit better for you with one step at a time.

Amor, I want an answer to a simple question, is life is always Split into two different categories? *Flatly* No, course not. You're a great example of that. I still believe you have many stories to tell.

Furthermore, there will be no mention of Amor this point forward, I'm trying to cope with the situation, and having him as a recurring character isn't helping so no more Amoraltra from here on out. Okay have a good day/afternoon/evening/night.]

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