The tree

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The thirteen years old girl went where she felt safe, beneath the tallest and oldest tree of their home. As she waked towards it, with Lui in her lap, she felt like the tree was calling for her, trying to tell her something.
She lay in the grass by the trunk and closed her eyes. Lui meowed. — What is it, Lui? —
She opened her eyes to see a growing root slide over the ground and reach her. Lui meowed desperately, biting her clothes to stop her from being pulled by the root that involved her around her waist.
The ground opened up as if for her, and in a flash she was captured by nature.
— Meow! Meow! — the loyal cat wasn't going to leave his friend, so he jumped in the hole that seemly was waiting for him and it closed.
Nature is tricky. If you're not careful, it will eat you alive. And when you least expect it, it will reveal deep secrets, and you'll finally be able to see.

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