51| Just for tonight

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There's about a second delay as I process his text. Something tells me this isn't just an I miss you, and I'm already thinking the worst. I try to stay calm as I send a message back asking if he's okay, but there's no answer.

I spend the next ten minutes pacing my room. That's when a message from Alex comes through to tell me they're at the hospital. I leap into action, pulling on my riding gear before heading downstairs. I tiptoe down the corridor, careful not to wake my dad, who has since returned to his room, and let the front door click behind me.

The whole ride to the hospital, I'm nervous. Alex hadn't mentioned what they were at the hospital for, but between that and Tyler texting me out the blue, it can't be good. When I finally pull up, I park my bike and stare up at the hospital, heart pounding away. It's been over a year since Dad had his accident, but this building has the power to make me relive it all over again.

Still, I suck in a breath and find my way to the waiting room, where Alex is leaning against the wall with a coffee, vacantly staring at her hands.

"Hey," I say, and I rest a hand on her shoulder as she turns to look at me in surprise.

"What are you doing here?" she asks. "You didn't have to come."

"I know," I say, "but I wanted to make sure you were all right. What happened?"

Her lip quivers, but she skilfully hides it behind her cup. "My dad had a heart attack. They said he's going to be fine, but they're keeping him in to run some tests. Tyler's the one who found him. He's taking it...not well."

My heart thumps harder as I scan the room. "Where is he?"

"He walked off after the doctor spoke to us," she says. "I have no idea where he went, but I don't want to leave my dad right now." Her eyes meet mine, quietly pleading, and I know what it is she's asking. As complicated as her relationship with Tyler is, it's clear she still cares about him.

"I'll find him," I say.

Relief lines her face as she glances at the clock. "Try the usual places and let me know if you find him."

I tell her I will and then set off to find him. It doesn't take long to realize he's no longer at the hospital, so I climb on my bike and set off into the night, heart humming as fast as my engine. I try Mojack's next, then our secret place at the track before ending up at his dorm.

I shouldn't be here – not after everything that's happened between us, and I'm tempted to walk out. But despite his radio silence as of late, I can't bring myself to leave. Not just because I'd promised Alex I'd find him, but because walking away when he needs me the most is something I could never do.

Breath held, I knock on the door. The other side remains silent, but I hover a moment and press my ear to the door, listening for the slightest of sounds. If Tyler isn't here then I'm out of ideas, so I desperately knock again.

I don't know what to expect right now, but I know I'm expecting the worst. Tyler could be inside with a girl for all I know, or he could be getting into trouble somewhere else entirely, and I'm powerless to stop it. Frustration gets the best of me, and I bang on the door in quick succession, hoping he'll open up.

"Hey." I turn on my heel and eye the guy behind me. He tilts his head, blue eyes flashing with amusement. "I don't think anyone's in there."

"I know." Suddenly I feel like a crazy person. "Wishful thinking, I guess."

He grins before running a hand through his hair. He's got that clean-cut look about him, all blond hair, blue eyes and dimples. Too clean-cut. The kind of guy who's good looking and he knows it. "He probably won't be back for a while," he says. "He's been storming in and out all night. I'm Joey, by the way." He sticks out his hand, so reluctantly, I take it.

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