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Whenever I've been on trains when they stop, it's usually because someone has either fallen or jumped onto the line, and you never find out about it until after you get off at the other end. Whenever there's been snow and ice, they tend to just reduce services, or put in replacement coaches. I've never been on a train when the snow starts; they usually know beforehand from the weather reports.

So, when there is no immediate announcement from the driver or the woman who checked tickets earlier, I'm surprised and a little worried. I mean, I'm wearing earphones, but I would've heard it if there was one, they're always pretty loud.

I glance at my phone and see there's Wi-Fi still, but no signal. So, while I'm not receiving proper texts, I have a few more WhatsApp messages from Bruno.

'I'm not going to sleep Lily-kins until I hear from you.'

'Is it about last night? Because if it is, we should probably talk about it. I'm sorry, it shouldn't have happened.'

One more that just makes me roll my eyes: 'I shouldn't have said I love you before dropping the bomb.'

He knows what he's doing right now and trying to get a rise out of me. He knew what he was doing last night, he knew the whole time. He knows what he does, period.

My music stops. Right at the good part.

I look down at the screen. Earphones out of battery.

"For fuck's sake," I exclaim in a whisper. I put them back in their little case. The case is nearly down too.

An even better end to the day. Not.

I glance to my right. The guy is still on his laptop, but he's staring outside. He's taken his headphones off as well.

Speaking to strangers is one of the worst things in the world. My heart hammers, my veins throb even before I even speak up. But at the same time, I have no idea how long I'll be here, and I want my earphones. I've seen him use the charger before, and his stuff is all the same brand as mine. We're the only two people here, so what's the harm in asking?

"Excuse me?" I ask tentatively.

The guy looks over at me, his eyebrows raised with a smile on his face. His dimples show, and my heart flutters just a little.

Lily, stop, I tell myself. I've just been hurt and humiliated by Bruno; I don't need distractions. I need to get over it. I also don't need to lust over a random guy on a train. I'm not sixteen anymore.

"Hi," he answers. "Can I help?" I notice the twang of his Welsh accent and wonder if he's also headed to Cardiff.

"Yeah, uh, I assume we won't be moving for a while. I... my earphones need charging and I noticed you have a charger set up there. I left mine in my suitcase... which I can't honestly be bothered to root around for. I was just wondering if I could borrow the wire for a little bit?" I manage.

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