my-log: getaway

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couple months later

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couple months later

"WANNA GO ON A TRIP??" Nari asks me happily, greeting me at my apartment with a smile. She was carrying two duffle bags on each of her arms. She had on sunglasses on her head and her long hair was pulled back into her infamous high ponytail. I notice she's wearing her staff uniform, having on a white
t-shirt, black pants and a black puffer jacket.

"...Nari...what?" I had just woke up, and I glance behind me to the clock on the living room wall. It's 9 am. Why is she all bouncy and excited this early??

"ENHYPEN is going to film an EN-O-CLOCK episode in the mountains!! As a vacation episode! Since it's spring now, the weather is perfect for it! They need staff and production crew to come along! Let's go!!"

"...Hm...That sounds pretty fun...Are the others going?"

"Seong and Lea are on the TXT crew for the week, so they can't come." She explains.

I still have no clue who these TXT people are, and I've been working here for 3 months.

"And Mi-Young is visiting her grandparents. So it's just us two. Please come! I don't wanna be alone!!" She pouts, making me scoff.

"Okay, okay." I chuckle, turning my back her. "When do we leave?"

"In an hour—"

"AN HOUR!?" I face her again, my face surprised. "I just woke up! Why didn't you let me know earlier!!"


"Ugh!" I groan, closing my door on her. Nari had a horrible habit of leaving out important details.

"Meet me downstairs in the lobby!!!" She calls out from the outside of my door. I roll my eyes playfully. I guess I'm taking a spontaneous trip to the mountains.

I walk past my kitchen to head to my bedroom to begin packing, but I stop when a black envelope catches my eye. I stare at it for a moment, it sitting innocently on the coffee table in the living area.

In February, Geun gave me that letter for my 18th birthday. It's April now. He tells me I'm supposed to know when to open it, but I genuinely don't trust myself to know when it's time to read it.

I haven't seen Geun in person since then. The hospital has cut off visiting hours all together with the exception of some families, because a virus has been getting passed around from patient to patient and doctor to doctor. Basically, they're quarantining themselves.

I get to call Geun almost everyday, and we'll facetime every once in a while. He's my only form of information when it comes to his condition, but I can't help but feel like he's lying to me to make me feel better. He could be suffering for all I know.

I sigh, and start to pack for the trip.


Nari and I arrive to the filming location with a few other staff members in a black van. The rest of the production crew were already there and began filming the boys, so we showed up a bit tardy.

The area was beautiful, with fresh green trees and shrubbery surrounding a large front yard and a decent-sized house, which the boys and the staff would sleep in. Nari hops out of the van first, stretching her arms over her head and grunting. "Ahhhh! It feels amazing!!"

I leave the car behind her, and the spring sun beams on my skin. I immediately feel more awake, as I had taken a nap on the way here. "Wow, it does feel nice. It's not too hot or cold."

Nari giggles, running to the trunk of the van. One of the managers opens it for her, and she grabs her duffle bags. "Come on, y/n! Hurry up! They've already been here since 10! We're late to the party!" She whines.

I glance at my watch, which reads 12 o clock. "Okay, okay!" I grab my luggage, putting on my backpack and holding my small duffle in my hand. Why was she in such a rush??

We parked on the side of the road next to where we were filming, so we had to walk downhill to the gate to enter. In the distance, we could hear the boys shouting and playing, and staff talking as well. I wonder what the theme of this vacation would be. Maybe they would have to play mini-games to obtain ingredients for their dinner, or they'd be competing with each other. You never know what HYBE has in store.

Another manager opens the gate for us, and we greet our co workers as we join them on the yard. "Come on y/n! Let's say hi to the boys! Let them know you're here!!!" Nari exclaims, twisting and turning through filming equipments, tents, and bags to reach the front of the house, where the guys were.

My brows furrow. Even under our masks, I can tell she's smiling big. "Are they not in the middle of filming? We shouldn't interrupt—"

"Come on!" She has already disappeared behind one of the tents, making me groan.

She's way too hyper...

I follow the same path she took, stepping over bags and squeezing past cameras and ring lights. I duck under a few tents, bowing and apologizing to staff that were eating or sitting underneath them. I finally reach Nari, as she and a few other workers were watching the boys play a game of soccer. "Geez Nari, why were we in such a rush? They're busy pl—"

I feel my heart drop when my eyes land on a certain boy. He was smiling and laughing, dribbling the ball in between his legs. He passes it to Jake, who runs past Heeseung to make a goal. He kicks it into the net, and they all cheer.

The boy is yelling with excitement when he turns to me, and his smile gets even bigger. "Hey! Y/n!!!"

When he calls my name, everyone turns to me. I end up dropping my duffle bag, nearly tripping over my feet as I run to him. I drop to my knees and hug him tightly into my chest, bawling tears of joy. "G...


Geun chokes in my grasp. "W-Why are you crying!? Why is she crying!!?" I can feel him turning his head around frantically, looking for help.

I pull away and hold him by the shoulders, examining him from head to toe. Confusion spills into my mind. "H-How are you here? Are you allowed to be here?—Are you allowed to be playing?"

He laughs a little, patting the top of my head like I'm a sad puppy. "I got the clear from the nurses to be here for the day! I can play soccer as long as I take it easy!" He smiles me assuredly.

I don't believe him at first, but when I gaze into his eyes, I fall back to sit on my butt and sigh. I hide behind my hands, wiping my tears. "I...I haven't gotten to see you play in so long!" I whisper, my voice cracking.

Geun grins, hugging me again. "I knew you'd be surprised!...Thanks Nari for brining her!!"

I look up and turn around, Nari giving a thumbs up.

No wonder she was in such a hurry.

No wonder she was in such a hurry

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