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Unable to move an inch from where his feet are on the ground, Perth stares in bewilderment at the frail figure next to the gray-haired old man who stands solemnly in the doorway of the church.

No, he couldn't believe what her eyes were showing him, he refused to admit that that girl-who at first glance calculated that she couldn't be more than seventeen years old... God was just a kid! -He amazed his world with just his presence when the doors of that basilica opened wide revealing the best kept secret of his fox father-he didn't see this movement coming from the old man, now he understood the crazy Joker smile that he gave him when he signed his death sentence - he awkwardly tried to look away but to no avail, he was totally mesmerized

In front of him was the true incarnation of an angel.

He convinced himself that this young woman was the best gift he could receive in this or in all his remaining lives, but unfortunately he did not want her for himself, he could not accept the sacrilege that was intended to be done with that sheep about to die. about to be sacrificed

Standing at the entrance of the Church, Saint dazzled everyone present, stealing looks and indecent sighs.

A surreptitious blow to his arm takes him out for a few seconds from the reverie that he had inadvertently entered.

- you're very lucky my dear friend, you've won the lottery with that hottie- his friend Est whispers in his ear, noticing in his tone of voice the hint of lasciviousness in her- you better take care of her because if you don't you'll lose as in war with someone who is willing to love her- she exhales but more like a stagnant roar- for example me

Anger rises like lava inside him just imagining that some stupid idiot wanted to take his wife away from him.

"his wife "

he lightly shook his head, banishing all those absurd possessive thoughts.

Demons! What was wrong with him?

she was never going to be his wife, she is just an outlet for trouble.

Yes, she is just an outing that would last only two years and nothing more and then return with great fanfare to his fantastic life of freedom.

But again he found himself dazzled by the heavenly image presented by the gods before his astonished irises.

    The reflection of the light bathed her small body, her brown hair gathered in a simple but beautiful hairstyle shone in perfect contrast with her pearly white dress fitted to her small bust- it is reduced compared to what she was used to but it did not detract from her innocent sensuality. of his proportionate body, he chuckled what the hell was happening to him?  innocent sensuality?  Demons!  He urgently needed a brunette, he told himself, but for what?  If he already had his angel in front of him?  - and the torso to the hips to fall then in perfect waves on her legs, but what caught my attention the most were those big expressive honey-colored eyes with those lips full of a fascinating cherry tone, I was sure that when I kissed them I would never let them go again again

How will those full lips feel on other parts of your body?

   smile sideways, only a slight curve adorns those lips eager to try the opposites

   He could tell despite the distance the blush on his cheeks when his eyes met hers.

   Does she imagine what she is causing with that shy and flirtatious look?

   Lightning!  He was sure she had no idea

   A wave of insane heat made his heart pound and maybe something else, in that moment he knew it would be a torment to live with that little walking temptation.

The melodious music accompanied Saint in his walk, the delicacy of his walk was such that at that moment he seemed to float in a captivating dance but without being aware of it

  With each step he took towards him, Perth's heart raced even more, eager to feel with his thick hands that clean skin exposed on his shoulders, perhaps to bite him gently, marking just a little the smooth intersection of his neck.

  Arriving in front of him, Karl - father of Saint - leaves a gentle caress on his son's hair to immediately take his hand and give it to Perth, feeling the softness of this

- Perth I give you my greatest treasure, take care of it as it is, an invaluable jewel, I only ask that the day you no longer want it by your side, you return it to me and do not throw it out on the street.I, as her happy father, receive him in my arms to calm, remove any pain inside his heart

   - You don't have to worry, I will take care of it without hesitation as my only and greatest treasure - he is surprised to see Santa's blush on his cheeks upon hearing his words, with a nod Karl walks away sitting next to his wife Nuk, intertwining their hands in a sign of mutual support.


I can't help but slowly caress his small hand when the priest begins with his speech, the tremor in his body does not go unnoticed by me, I try to calm his nerves with the gentle movement of my fingers, transmitting a non-existent calm in my interior

In a moment of impulsiveness I look at her sideways

She looks so young, so fragile but so beautiful that it baffles me

I exhale slowly when some memories come to my mind

I still remember when dad told me about his plan to save the family's reputation.

《- you must get married, it is the only solution to the mess you have caused

   - Are you listening to what you say dad?

   - Sure, stupid - he sighs as he massages his temple with those fingers wrinkled by the weight of the years - this time you've gone too far with your games- a pause plus a gloomy silence surrounds us -perth please explain to me what happened. Are you thinking when you slept with our business partner's wife?  Are there no single women willing for you?  Do you know if I wanted the magnitude of the unfavorable consequences that your actions will bring us?  -She looks at me attentively with her tired and sad eyes- IT IS THE SECOND LARGEST SHAREHOLDER AFTER US!!  ...IGNORANT!!!

   I look down, I don't even know how to explain myself in the abyss I'm in

   - in three months you will marry the daughter of my best friend - I quickly raise my head, giving my neck a little jerk by the sudden movement - there are no objections, you have made a serious mistake and somehow we must placate the tsunami that is comes over us

   - But... but... father, I... I don't want to get married, much less with someone I don't know.

   - As I told you, there are no objections, you must obey my orders, but don't worry, this marriage will only last two years, after that time you are free to do what you want, but yes, if you make a mistake like this again I will no longer be here to help you

   apathetic seat

   My father hands me some documents, I just give him a quick look, realizing in a second what he is.

   - you must sign this contract, there are some clauses that you must comply with - I wait expectantly for what follows - my friend does not trust you and neither do I, you have disappointed me too much

   Without fully reading the contract, I sign it.  My father smiles, chills running through me completely from that smile he gives me.

   - Perth reads the full contract afterwards, listen to me....》

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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