Chapter 1

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Hey guys, I know it's been  a really long time. I haven't edited this story in a while. It's currently April 13th 2024. Let's see if we can get this finished in one day! Haha, probably not..

Anyway, please enjoy my story!



"I've never been to a party at Steven fucking Baron's house," I hear Hannah at my side in her black skin-tight dress and her heels that clack everytime she walks.

"Well I have, and let me tell you. It's definitely a joyride once the beat hits you. Come on!" I grab her hand and I lead her to the gigantic staircase leading to -as she says- Steven fucking Baron's house.

"Hey ladies! Hello, Ms. Kara Valent," Steven grabs my hand and plants a kiss at the top of it.

"Flattering Steven Baron, but tonight I brought my best friend; her name is Hannah. Today is her birthday," I tell him.

"Turning?" Steven shoots a glance at her and waits for her answer.

"18," Hannah sighs, "And I plan on spending it with my best friend, getting drunk at Steven Baron's house surrounded by a ton of immature teenagers."

"Well in that case, you came to the right place. Welcome to the party life Hannah," he winks at her and opens the door for us. We enter the livingroom and I pull Hannah into the crowd of dancing people.

Two drinks in and Hannah is already slurring her words. I laugh as we dance, occasionally colliding with other people.


I reach into the small purse hanging from my shoulder to find a buzzing phone with my sister's name on it.

I answer the call and immediately yell into the phone, "Hang on! Let me get outside."

I slide past the dancing, intoxicated, teenagers and I finally reach the front door.

I see a few boys I don't recognize sitting on the porch surrounding Steven, talking among one another.

I walk down the steps, moving farther away from the blaring music. I stop on the last step and I sit down, putting the phone up to my ear.

And that's when I hear it..

The sobs of my little sister as she finally asks, "Do you know Alex Foster?"

"Yes he's in my grade. Why?"

Alex Foster is a boy in most of my classes, he is a year older than me, 18. He was held back in the freshman year.

"He just showed up at our door and beat the living shit out of me dude!" She cries as I straighten my back.

"He. Did. What?"

"He beat me up Kara!" She yells into the phone.

"I'll be home in five minutes, if not then ten." I hang up.

I make my way back up the stairs and into the house. I see Hannah sitting in a chair next to the door.

"Code two."

"Huh?" She looks up at me confused.

"Code two bitch, get up!" I pull her by the arm to get her standing.

"What injury? Who got injured?" She asks.

"Clara's hurt."

Her face turns white then to a shade I've never seen before. Red.

She grabs me by my wrist and drags me out the door.

"Hey! Where are you going?" Steven asks.
"Sorry! Loved the party! Bye!" I yell back at him as Hannah and I hurry down the steps.
We don't have a car yet, so we have to walk home.

Dangerous Little GirlDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora