The Song of the Corrupted

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Once we crawl out of the Sight of Seer,
The Light's still far - out of our Reach.
Once we cry, it's loud and faints
All that is just Woe an' Pain.

But there was a withered Dream,
which has awakened our dying Beam -
Howbeit it's always slain by Streams
of the deadly Beasts(1).

Nevermore, I have heard the Song,
Songs o' Joy ar' worthless now,
like Sulphur and Salt(2) -
colliding Gestalt(3).

Agria, MMXXII. II. XI.

1 Reference to Styx.

2 Reference to the reaction of sodium and sulfur. 

3 A pattern of shapes that cannot be observed separately, only in whole.

The Song of the CorruptedOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora