Chapter 102

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The Kymari turned his head to me and narrowed his eyes.

I wasn't sure what I had been expecting him to do, but I hadn't expected nothing.

I waited a few seconds, then I sent the image again. Then just for good measure I added the image of Kilpin lying next to Minna and sent that to him, then added in Morton, and so on until all of them were outside. I wasn't sure how I could make it any clearer to him.

"I need to get my armor inspected. 'High velocity impact protection'. I must have hit my head a lot harder than I realized. I am starting to hallucinate."

It took all of my self control not to smack my head with one of my hands.

Her father watched me for another moment, and I could see suspicion clear in his eyes. This was possibly the worst possible outcome - now Minna's father had evidence I was intelligent, and Minna wasn't getting any help.

I sent the image to him one more time, then turned back to Minna. I nudged at her head and felt the same sorrow build in me at her lack of reaction. I turned back to her father and put that sadness into a pitiful whine. "Please help her."

He still didn't move. "Are... are you doing that?"

I nodded slowly.

He watched me carefully for another second, then looked at Minna. "You want me to move her first? You will guard her if I do?"

I nodded again.

"Will you attack me when I try to move her?"

I hesitated. I could feel my claws starting to extend just from the thought of it.

He noticed my reaction and nodded. "That's what I thought." He stared at me for another moment. "There is a lot more to you than Minna knows, isn't there? I am not actually hallucinating; you are the one behind these images?"

I nodded once more. And then I sent him the image again, just in case there was still any confusion.

The older Kymari watched me for another long moment... then he drew the knife from his side and pointed it at me. I saw something cold in his eyes before I looked away from them to watch the pointed tip of the weapon leveled at me. "I could kill you right now. I could tell Minna you died in the crash. She would never know any differently. She would come home with me after that. She would be able to have a life, and not be trapped here anymore. She would not be risking her life so pointlessly like this."

I froze as new terror gripped me. I... hadn't thought about that. And I knew how strong and fast Kymari could be. If he decided to throw that knife, there wouldn't be anything I could do to stop it.

I hurriedly updated the mental image to exclude myself, leaving nothing between Minna and the shadowy figures waiting in the trees. I sent that back to him and hoped he would get the point.

I saw him nod slowly on the other side of that wicked looking knife. "But then I would have no one to help me protect Minna. I can't do that and properly treat her. Not on my own." The knife suddenly leapt from his hand and slashed past me.

It impacted harmlessly on the wall behind me. I felt myself shaking in fright and tried to get that under control, without much success.

He watched me for another second or two. "You are much, much more intelligent than she thinks. Smart enough to reason through problems, smart enough to suppress your instincts. You knew I could attack you, but you risked reaching out to me anyways. Because you know she needs help." I was too shaken up to move, and he narrowed his eyes on me. "Is that right?"

His angry tone shook me a little from my terror and I nodded hurriedly.

He nodded, then motioned towards Minna. "One of her legs is broken and she is bleeding internally. If I do not help her, she will die." He looked back at me. "She will not leave you. I get that. But if you really are this smart, then that means the decision is not entirely up to her." He reached calmly past me and picked the knife back up. "So I will make a deal with you. You help guard her and I will treat her injuries. But when we get to safety, you leave. Escape. Flee back into the wild and forget all about my daughter. Give her the chance to live the life she deserves."

I stared at the Kymari in disbelief. I fanned my wings out, then pulled them back in again, then fanned them back out. I curled back to look at Minna, not able to believe what I was hearing. If he was right, if she was bleeding internally, then she needed help. She would die if she didn't get it. The mere possibility of that terrified me.

But... this was his daughter. He wouldn't just leave her to die, would he? This had to be a bluff. The Blood Memories were clear on that; the Kymari did anything to protect their children. He wouldn't just sit back and let her bleed to death when he could save her, would he?

He seemed to guess what I was thinking and pointed at her. "Look at how badly she is hurt. This all happened to her because she is with you. If you stay with her, she will end up dying. Her injuries are not the greatest threat to her life right now. The greatest threat to her is you." He looked at me again, and I saw anger in his eyes. I saw how furious he was that his daughter was hurt, and I saw that he blamed me. "You leaving is the only chance she has of surviving. Either you leave, or she dies. It is as simple as that. So if you will not go, then we might as well get it all over with here and now."

I looked back up at Minna and saw all the cuts on her face. The bump on her head.

I looked down and saw the odd angle her leg was being held at.

I closed my eyes and saw all the scratches that I knew covered her arms, even though her armor hid them from view at the moment.

...Minna's father was right.

If I hadn't been in her life, she wouldn't have any of those injuries right now. And she would face the risk of more of them the longer I stayed with her. I clearly saw exactly what his concerns had been all along, and worst of all... I knew he had a point to them.

I seriously doubted he would let his own daughter die, but even the chance that Minna might die, especially if there was something I could do to prevent it, even something as horrible as agreeing to leave her... my instincts screamed at me not to risk it. Any chance of Minna dying was too great to accept.

I felt a horrible sense of guilt and betrayal... but... what else could I do?

At least my friend would still be alive.

I gave the barest hint of a nod. It was all I could manage.

"Go outside and find a clear spot. I will move Minna while you are outside so you won't attack me, then I will come back for the others. Keep anything from getting to her while I help them. After that I will treat her, then figure out some way to get help." His voice was stern and matter-of-fact. The mere sound of his voice made me sick. "And once we get back and she is safe, you leave."

I opened my eyes. It took an enormous effort of will, and every instinct in me screamed not to, but I flew up through the door of the shuttle and out into the night.

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