Season 2 Chapter 5: Arbiter VI

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Also, going to add some serious on some scene, between all this randomness

Narrator POV

Y/N was now the Commander of Ironblood, and he had a LOT of things to do

Ägir: .......

Y/N: Fuck it I'm going all out

He was on standing on a little box, with some wheels he added on it

He also had an Umbrella and a snowblower in each hand, as he did his magic

He turned on the snowblower, the wind hitting the inside of the umbrella, as he started to move

With a little music added to that moment

Ägir: What in the actual fuck am I looking at?


He was sliding all around the base, greeting every people he saw, as they, somehow, greeted back, not weirded at all by his demanour

He arrived to a corner, and saw Roon, walking forward, as he had no choice but to crash on her

He could avoid her, but he wanted to piss her off for no reason

Y/N crashed on her indeed, as she was on top of him, grabbing his face, with a thick mark on her face

Roon: Commander~ May I know why you did that?

Y/N: I couldn't help myself but fall for you

Roon: Eh? Oh my~ You're bolder than I thought~

She bringed him back to his feet, and caressed his cheeks

Roon: So, How do you want to be fucked?

Y/N: The fuck?

Roon: Oh don't play ignorant, I know you want that~

Y/N: Want what?

Roon: Destroy the bed by bouncing on your di-

Friedrich arrived in a second, and pushed her away from Y/N, making her crash on a wall

Friedrich: -ctionary, Y/N, your dictionary

Y/N: Oh

Friedrich: You're still a virgin, after all. It's too soon for you to know

Y/N: I'm married up to 21 wives that want to kill me, and have 6 kids that also want to kill me. I also wonder how's the Hermit doing........


Arbiter Hermite: I have been searching for 20 days, non-stop, and I haven't found him yet........ I want to have a Uno play buddy.......

Back to Y/N......

Friedrich: You? Married? You're going to tell me you're the creator of the Siren next?

Y/N: Yup

Friedrich: I see who you are now, you're a kidder. I like you

She patted his head, before walking away, as Roon walked out of the wall, pissed

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