Chapter 13 - Revelations 😇

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(Edited January 7, 2024)

- Next Day - Afternoon -

Walking down the hallway in my fluffy unicorn slippers, making my way to the kitchen to get a snack. Knowing damn well I hid some swiss rolls and oatmeal cream pies in the back of the cupboard..

Stepping into the edge of the hallway that connects the war room and kitchen. I stop in my tracks, seeing both Sam and Dean both looking at Sams laptop. Dean leaning against the back of the chair as he peaks over his brother's shoulder. "Hey boys.. something.. going on..?" Haven't heard from Amara or Chuck yet.. and I'm still existing.. so everything must be going ok so far.

Sam looks up startled by my voice, his eyes widening slightly. "Oh! Hey Em.. Uh yeah. We think we've got another case. Your site pinged it." Sam's eyes flicker from me to his computer. Must be something rather important if he got Dean to look at his computer..

"Really!? What do we got?" Smiling wide I stroll over quickly to the both of them, leaning on the other side of Sam to look at the screen as well.

"Well um.." Sam shrinks slightly as he looks at his computer. "..Several people have been wounded or have had their limbs decapitated while walking through a hiking trail.. Mainly their legs.. It's been pinged as a.." Sam scrolls up a bit to the top of the sites page. "Kamaitachi..? I looked it up and it's a weasel with blades for limbs."

"Really? Where is it?" Holy shit. I know this monster from one of Gaijin Goomba's videos! It's the heckin speedy boi with the Danger Zoomies!

"Northern Texas, I've tried looking up ways to kill it.. But there's nothing. Just legend of how it stirs up dust devils." Sam sits back in his seat with a loud sigh, rubbing his chin as he thinks.

"Maybe it's literally just a weasel?" Dean raises a brow as he looks down to his brother, shrugging his shoulders.

Shrugging as well I nod to Dean in agreement, Sam sighs softly. "Guess we're gonna have to try and trap it.. Go get your stuff Dean. I'll keep looking."

"Ooo! Can I come?" Smiling some I bounce up and down in the balls of my feet. "Pretty please?" I would love to see it!

"Um..." Sam looks over to Dean for help. Dean turns back around from walking away.

"Nope." Dean shakes his head from side to side, resting his hands on his hips. Entering his dad mode. "You stay here. Cas is gonna keep an eye on you."

"What?! Why!" Snapping my head towards the eldest Winchester. What bullshitery is this!

"Because Emily. I want you safe. You were just kidnapped Emily! You're safest when you're with Cas. Don't even get me started on the Draugr incident!" No idiot. I'm safest with you!

"Ugh! Fine! Whatever, this gives me a chance to work on my crochet.. Just.. bring me back something cool alright?" I give them both my best puppy dog eyes, both Sam and Dean nod quickly with dual sighs. Sam returning to his laptop while Dean quickly walk to his room to grab both his and Sam's travel bags.

Sighing loudly with utter disappointment. I make my way to the kitchen. Opening the cupboard I squint, looking over my meticulous sorting. Having made sure that EVERYTHING is visible and in it's designated place.. I can't tell you the amount of times I thought my mom hid food when it was just moved..

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