Chapter 2: Get Used To This

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I woke up as usual to my 6 o'clock alarm. I took a shower before going to the kitchen. I was craving pancakes today so I made them for breakfast.

A few minutes later, Elijah came down. I set the plate in front of him and sat down beside him.


He hums in response.

"There's this party at the bar near our house. Please can I go this once?" I ask.

He appeared to be thinking for a moment before saying, "You can. But, absolutely no drinking, smoking and taking illegal substances. Understand?"


"Say it back to me," He asks.

"No drinking, smoking or taking illegal substances," I repeated.


I skipped up the stairs in excitement. I started thinking of what clothes to wear and what shoes to wear. I heard Elijah coming up the steps.

He wrapped his arms behind me, "I'll see you tonight. Love you."

"I love you too," I say, turning around and giving him a small kiss on the lips.

At 5pm, I walked into the building filled with party lights and people. Lots of people. Random strangers waved at me while some just looked as if they were silently judging me.

"Can I get a drink, please? Non-alcoholic."

Absolutely no drinking. Elijah's voice echoed in my head.

I'm not drinking alcoholic drinks. It'll be fine. The bartender passed me a drink that looked like a normal fizzy, carbonated drink. I took a sip before putting it down.


I don't know what happened but I left the bar feeling all dizzy as if I was drunk. But that's impossible, right? As I was walking near the alleyway, I heard some people talking and me being me, started walking towards them.

I have no idea what happened after that because my mind when black as I fell into the darkness.

Moments later, I woke up to a bright light that appeared to be the sun shining through the window in my room. Wait, my room? How did I get here?

"You're awake," Elijah says, walking into the room.

"How did I get here?"

"We'll talk about that later. First, go take a shower, change, eat and then....we'll talk."

The way he said 'talk' sent shivers up my spine. I hurriedly went to take a shower and changed into clean clothes. I walked downstairs and saw a plate of food already prepared for me. I sat down and started eating. Elijah was sitting on the sofa in front of the television but his eyes were on me. It was almost as if he was mad. But he couldn't be, right?

I finished my food before putting it in the dishwasher. I was unsure whether to sit beside him or to go upstairs. My hesitation was probably evident on my face. He told me to stand in front of him.

"Let's talk about yesterday." He said in a tone I did not recognize. "Why weren't you home at 10.30?"

"I don't know," I answered honestly.

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