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Amelia's POV

I slowly walked back to our suite. My feet dragged, unable to face the man I loved. Because no matter how much I loved him, I couldn't shake the feeling that we weren't right for eachother.

Walking into the room, I remembered that I wouldn't see him until the ceremony. Relief filled my chest. And I sunk into bed.

When I heard the door opening, I sat up and saw my mother carefully walking over to the bed. "I wasn't sure if you'd be asleep."

"I was about to."

"You okay, honey?" She sat beside me and ran her fingers over the white linen. "How do you feel about tomorrow?"

"Uneasy," I whispered.

"That's normal. Anything you want to talk about?"

I circled the ring on my finger, "do you think we're good together?"

"You and Daniel?" She tilted her head in consideration. "I like him."

"You like him?"

"Yeah." I searched my mother's eyes, wondering what she was thinking. "I always thought you'd end up with someone else, that's all."

"Like who?" I asked.

"I don't know. Crazy thing happened tonight. I ran into Sydney Gallagher."


My mind immediately linked the name with Daniel's ex-wife. Her last name couldn't be Gallagher. That would mean—

"Syd. Gosh, I barely recognized her. I invited her tomorrow. It would be amazing for the two of you to catch up."

"Syd? My Syd? Mom, it's unlikely that it was her. That would be surreal."

"I know it's her, my dear daughter. We spoke. She did panic when I told her that you're getting married tomorrow. Wonder what that's about."

I placed my hands over my face. How didn't I recognize her? How didn't she recognize me? I was sure she was having those same thoughts.

"Mom, I have to—I'm going to find her."

"How? She can be anywhere on this island!"

"I know exactly where she is, Mom."

"Amelia, wait," the pieces were finding their way, but I was sure that I didn't want it to be true. "Let me come with you."

"No, this is something I have to do on my own."

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