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10:30 A.M

"What ? No ! " Teja exclaimed as she felt the pressure of two pair of eyes looking at her

"Teja please ,you are my last hope " Omi pleaded

"Omi there are a lot of other defence lawyers out there, I am sure atleast one of them will be willing to fight for The Karan Kundrra . Also, you can ask uncle to use his contacts, no one's gonna deny such a huge businessman " Teja looked at him serously

No chance in hell was she gonna take the case. Taking this case would mean meeting him , meeting him would mean reminiscing past which sounded like disaster to her .

"But Teja no one's ready to agree . You yourself called a few lawyers and you know their responses already "

Omi was speaking the truth though .They have been sitting here in her living room for an hour now while omi narrated how he got a call from karan's guard , how he rushed to police station ,  how he did  not even have time to listen to karan's side of story , how he's been in touch with kundrra's family lawyer and how he had contacted every person possible to get kk out of that jail .

After listening to him Teja had called some well known acquaintances of hers . Unfortunately all of them had refused to take up case making up one or another excuse .

" You're one of the best lawyers in the country . what do you mean by there are no loopholes ? Stop with the excuses. Finding a loophole is not a big deal for you "

Teja had shouted frustratingly at the nth no of lawyer she contacted . Teja was pissed .

Still She did not consider fighting the case herself because
1) She did not want to meet him ever again in her life
2) even if she agrees to take the case she knew he would refuse to accept her as his lawyer .

That man had an ego larger than the size fo his foot . He would never accept her being his lawyer even if he was dying

But now when Teja saw Omi so desparate she did not know what to do .Omi got up from the couch he was sitting on and went to sit beside Teja . He held her hands , with his his eyes pleading .

" Teja , i don't know if there's any lawyer left to contact or not , or if they are going to accept the case or not . But one thing i know is that even if some other lawyer  takes the case  , they are are going to consider it as another job , fighting the case to get a paycheck in the end . It wouldn't matter to them if they prove bhai innocent or not . You are the only person i trust and know for a fact who is going to fight this with all her might to prove him innocent "
Omi's pleading left the room silent .

Rohit and Omi looked at each other and then at teja who was now pacing . Rohit decided to help her out of her dilemma  and stood infront of her .

"Do you want to take up the case or not ? Do you want to help an innocent or not ? What do you think of this as a lawyer's perspective ? "

"I- Teja sighed and looked at Omi . she did not want to have this conversation i front of him . Omi understood they needed privacy .

"I'll just go get water for us " He said and went inside

Rohit turned from omi's retreating figure to Teja with raised brows looking at her  expectantly

"I don't know. I do not want to take up the case Rohit . But there's no other way " She looked like a child confused between choosing flavours of icecream

"can  i ask you a question ? " to which teja looked at him silently . taking her silence as a yes he proceeded

" Why are you concerned about this ? I mean he is your ex boyfriend and as much i have seen , you hate him after whatever happened . So why do you even care ? "

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