26 - ARC 3.6

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Third P.O.V

The hunting competition takes place in Leafwood Forest. It only happens every 10(0) years, so (Y/N)'s attendance is mandatory.

People come from all over the kingdom for the competition.

"Aren't you excited?"

(Y/N) asks Nathaniel.

"I'm not allowed to go."

(Y/N) then remembered that servants are not allowed to attend the event unless they were selected to serve at the welcoming banquet.

I feel really bad now.

"If I become queen, I'm going to change that rule!"

Nathaniel wondered what (Y/N) meant by 'if', but still thought the idea was sweet.

(Y/N) seems to genuinely care for me.

A warm feeling spread through Nathaniel's chest.

Jack had been waiting for (Y/N) in the carriage so (Y/N) had to deal with him the whole carriage ride.

At the competition, (Y/N) was surprised at how nicely decorated they outside space was.

"Are you ready, my queen?"

Jack escorted (Y/N) to the banquet tent and stuck to (Y/N)'s side like glue.

"Could you get us some drinks?"

(Y/N) asks.


And (Y/N) was successfully able to get rid of Jack for the time being. Unfortunately, with Jack gone, troublemakers had the guts to approach (Y/N).

"You're (Y/N), right?

A boy who looked oddly familiar asks rudely. There were two other people at his side.

"As the crown prince's fiancée, it is rude to address me so casually."

(Y/N) didn't like using their title, but (Y/N) doesn't start fights, but they finish them.

"Listen here, all you can do is hide behind your title, so don't think you're better than me."

"I don't think, I KNOW I'm better than you. I don't even know why I'm wasting my breath on you, someone who randomly came to pick a fight."

The boy's face turned red.

Wait, he looks just like that one official that challenged me on my first day at the palace!


The boy and his group walked away. (Y/N) just shrugged at how immature the boy was.

"I'm back!~"

No one knew that a certain prince had seen the entire thing.

It seems like I'm going to have to destroy a bug.

Author's Note: Soooooo yeah, I think we know who Jack's..... fifth(?) victim is going to be.

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