Chapter 19

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I woke up to voices and then I felt a pinch in my hand which made me flinch I tried opening my eyes but couldn't the pain in my back made me whine.

"Hold him" I heard a unfamiliar voice which made me panic I started trying to get up but I was held down

"I'll get a sedative" I heard the same voice again Then I felt a pinch from in my arm and darkness overcome me


Once the boy was unconscious Bruce managed to put in an IV and give him pain meds and then they made there way to the living room

"Sir you have an incoming call from fury" Jarvis spoke they all looked at each other

"what do we tell him" steve said

"Leave it too me" Tony told them

"Jarvis accept call" Tony said then fury showed up on screen

"Director eye patch" Tony cheered

"Quit it stark I got an alert telling me a jet was being used which I did not authorise" fury said

"Well director Jarvis located another base so we quickly suited up and took one of the jets" Tony started to explain

"And why did you not inform me" fury said

"we completely forgot but never mind that do you want to know what we found" Tony said

"Go on stark" fury said

"We found a kid  he looks to be around 15" Tony said

"What! And where is he now" fury asked him

"In the med bay he was severely injured Bruce has patched him up" Tony said

"Put him in a cell" fury said

"What" Tony said

"I want him in a cell he is an enemy stark and you went and brought him to the compound, he could be a spy for hydra" fury seethed

"Come on I don't believe he's a spy director he's just a kid that's gone through some terrible shit" Tony said

"I don't care you either lock him up or I'm gonna do it" fury said

"Sorry director but I'm not locking up a kid"
Tony said and ended the call before fury could say anything

"What do you think he's gonna do" Steve said

"I don't really care what he does to me but I'm not letting him lock that kid up" Tony told them

"What if fury's right" Nat spoke up

"What if this is all some kind of plan and he is a spy for hydra" she continued 

"How would they have known we where coming and know that we where going to even look in that room and bring him back" Tony said

"We've got to be cautious Tony" Nat said softly

"What if I can find out" Tony said

"What" Steve said

"I have a device that I've been working on in secret but I need Loki's help" Tony explained Loki looked at stark

"Why do you need my brothers aid" Thor asked

"He's the only one that has magic and can see into his memories but the device will allow us to see what Loki see's" tony explained the team seemed rather curious of the device Toby was talking about

"Will this device harm my brother" Thor said

"Well.... I don't know" tony paused halfway rubbing his neck


"I'll do it" Loki quickly cut Thor off

"Are you sure brother" Thor said

"Yes" Loki said

"Okay I'll get the device and I'll meet you all in the med-bay " tony said and left the room

They all walked to the Medway Thor caught up to his brother and laid a hand on Loki's shoulder as they where walking

"Are you sure you can do this you haven't even healed completely" he said

"I'm healed enough and I want to do this i don't want him to end up in a cell if he's in innocent Thor" Loki said and entered the Medbay to see the boy laying deathly still he was pale and sweaty

Bruce went over to the boy and started checking him over he grabbed a cloth and went over to the sink and wet it and went over and placed it on the boys forehead Loki noticed this and went over

"How is he" Loki asked

"He's hanging in there his fever has gone down a little but he was left without treatment for a long time so it has worsened" Bruce said

"I don't get how somebody could harm a child where the hell where his parents" Bruce sighed

"We'll find out soo enough once tony's back with this device" Steve said coming from behind Loki

"What's taking him so long anyway" Clint said

Just then tony walked into the room holding a box with wires poking out

"Right guys let get this thing set up" Tony said and placed the box Down and started taking out wires and laying them down

"Loki I need to stick these to your head" Tony said walking over

"Go ahead" Loki said

Tony stuck a wire to each temple and went over and took more wires from the box

"And these need to go on the kids head" Tony said and walked over to the kid Bruce took the cloth of the boys forehead and gently dried each spot so Tony could place the wires

"Okay now I have 4 more sets off wires so who's up for going in" Tony asked

"Wait I'm confused you want us to go into this kids brain" Clint said

"Yes birdbrain" Tony said

"I'll stay here incase anything happens to the kid" Bruce said

"I'll also stay here with banner" Thor said

"Okay Thor you need to make sure nobody comes in here" Thor nodded righting his grip on the hammer

"Jarvis lock the door don't unlock it under any circumstances"

"Yes boss" Jarvis replied Tony stuck the wires to the others then himself

"Ready guys" Tony said

"You better not kill us stark" Clint said


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