Chapter 4

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I woke up to the intense pain of my throbbing head; my fingertips touched the top of the car as blood dripped from my head. I looked around and noticed that daylight was no longer visible. I coughed and looked into the backseat.

"Sarah," I said, coughing again. My throat was parched, and I tried to clear it by swallowing. Sarah was still unconscious, her brown hair dangling to the ceiling of the now crushed suburban. I put my fingers to my temples and pressed in.

This is a dream. It just has to be. I unbuckled myself, and my head slammed into the ceiling, leaving crushed glass in my hair. My body landed, and the shards went into my back. I rolled over, brushed the broken glass from my hair, and crawled to the back seat. I shook Sarah for a moment.

"Sarah, Sarah. Wake up." I whispered. Minutes later, she opened her eyes and screamed. "Quiet! Quiet!" She stopped crying and took deep breaths. "I'm gonna unbuckle you now, okay?" She was very nervous surprisingly not injured.

"Mhm." She implied, shaking her head. I put one hand on her head and one hand on the seat belt.

"Three, two, one," I said, unlatching the seatbelt. Her head came down, and the glass stabbed my hand. I made a wincing noise but pretended not to be hurt. There was a gunshot in the distance. I looked out the cracked driver's side window; a figure was walking down the street towards us. "We must move, crawl out the front windshield and follow me."

"Okay." She said. We crawled out of the windshield and stood up. I took her hand.

"Come on," I said, leading her onto the sidewalk and down the next street to my factory. When we got to the factory, we stopped at the sight of a motionless tank and groups of crazy people; they groaned and moaned. A massive group of them were piled at the front door of my factory. "We will go around back." I led her slowly to the side of my factory where the door we came out of in the afternoon was. I was about to open the door when I heard the muffled voice of Selena.

"Axel is gone. I am the leader now. That's that we can't stay here forever." She said.

"But what if he isn't gone?" A man said.

"Shut up." She said. There was a gunshot that echoed outside. The crazy people groaned simultaneously, and more came to the door. I opened the door and walked in. Selena, along with the rest of the group, looked at me in an awkward silence. There was blood all over the floor, bullet shells, and six dead bodies. Selena was holding a gun as the rest of the group was on the wall with their hands up.

"What the hell?" I asked. Selena started coming towards me with the gun.

"I thought you were dead..." She said. She smiled and put out her hands to hug me. I put my hand on her shoulder to stop her. I was infuriated.

"What do you think you are doing?" I asked.

"They wouldn't listen to me." She said.

"You have to leave tomorrow morning. You out." I said.

"But..." She started. Then her face turned cold, and she pointed the gun at my head. I grabbed her wrist and ripped the weapon from her hand without a struggle.

"Cut the crap, Selena. You were wrong, that's that. You out." I said. She turned angry and punched me in the mouth.

"Screw all of you!" She said. I touched my lip and looked back at her; I was bleeding. Sarah swung at her and punched her in the nose; she fell on her back. She looked up at Sarah.

"Don't mess with Axel." She said.

"You son of a bitch!" She screamed, standing up. She took a swing at Sarah; I grabbed her throat and clenched it tightly.

End Days- A Zombie apocalypse novel- Finished-Featured story (Book-1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang