Chapter 3

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                                            WHY WAS HE CALLED 'JACK THE RIPPER'?

        People called him jack the ripper because one day,

 one stupid idiot of a person signed their name in the newspaper as 'jack the ripper' pretending to be him.

   ugh what a mistake that person made now the name is stucked as 'jack the ripper'.

      Although the letter was later uncovered as a fake, the world seized the sensational name the press had given the killer.

later on they found the person who had made up the name 'jack the ripper' and identify the person as Aaron Kosminski.

                                     Wow such a long last name and for what?

Since Aaron Kosminski has signed his name as the killer as a joke in the news paper people had supected him as the killer.



                                                              To be continued....


AAAAH i got school tomorrow an its 1:37 am LMAO my grandma is gonna kill me if i don't go to school tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2022 ⏰

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