chapter three

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chapter      three
━━ hazel eyes

     The VK's were welcomed with a loud banging of drums, almost as if it was a parade they had arrived

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     The VK's were welcomed with a loud banging of drums, almost as if it was a parade they had arrived. Eloise felt her heart grow a heavier pace in her stomach as she watched all of the people's smiley expressions on their faces, ones that soon dropped when Carlos fell from the limo — fighting with Jay.

     She smiled down at them, slightly stepping over their bodies before linking arms with Evie. It was something she usually did when nervous, got to Evie for comfort. "Leave it as you found it. . . And by that, I mean, just leave it," A woman clad in blue clothes announced before Jay threw whatever he was holding back into the car, followed by Carlos' things.

     "Hello, foxy. The name's Jay," Jay announced before the girl who was flirtatiously introducing himself to awkwardly chuckled. "Welcome to Auradon Prep! I'm Fairy Godmother, Headmistress," Fairy Godmother announced before Eloise smiled slightly as she heard the words. "Like, as in Cinderella's Fairy Godmother?" Eloise questioned before slightly stepping forwards.

     "The one and only," Fairy Godmother replied before Eloise smiled brightly again. She couldn't believe it — Eloise remembered reading about Cinderella once in the Isle of the Lost, whilst it was a false version that highlighted the successes of the villains within the stories, she understood the kindness Fairy Godmother had. "What you did for Cinderella was so—" Eloise cleared her throat when she felt Mal's eyes burning deep into her. "—Awful."

Fairy Godmother's face dropped before she cleared her throat and uttered an, "Oh." Eloise sighed in response.

"It's so nice to meet you all. I'm Ben," Eloise looked up at the man in front of her. He was. . . beautiful. Delicately pretty. His smile highlighted his face, his hair floppy in front of his forehead, and his eyes were hazel. His eyes caught Eloise's attention.

"Prince Benjamin. Soon to be king!" A pretty woman beside him announced rather excitingly. "You had me at Prince. My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess," Evie announced, her usual whimsical voice making it a slight whisper.

"The Evil Queen has no royal status here, and neither do you," The girl besides Ben spoke. Eloise furrowed her brows before looking at Mal, stepping towards to move next to Evie. "Yeah, listen, if Evie says she's a princess. . . She's a princess, got it?" Eloise asked, repeating her own words before the girl in front of her stared her up and down. What was her problem?

"This is Audrey," Ben announced Audrey. "Princess Audrey. His girlfriend. Right, Bennyboo?" Audrey. The name replayed itself within Eloise's head, it sounded so familiar but she couldn't quite place her mind on it. "Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow," Fairy Godmother said between the affection of Ben and Audrey before breaking them apart, "The doors of wisdom are never shut! But the library hours are from eight to eleven."

Library? They have a full-on library. The library in the Isle of the Lost was a small corner store with only a couple of books.

     Ben walked, smiling brightly as he faced the VK's standing in front of him. "It is so, so, so good to finally meet you all," Ben said before being punched by Jay, shaking the hands of the rest of them.

     "This is a momentous occasion, and one that I hope will go down in history. . . Is that chocolate?. . . As the day out two people began to heal," Ben said before moving toward Eloise. His hand reached hers slightly, and Eloise felt how soft it was compared to hers.

     Their grip lasted much longer than expected and Eloise kept the eye contact she was making with him. Those pretty hazel eyes, she thought to herself. "Or the day you showed five people where the bathrooms are," Mal said as she tried to cut the conversation short with the seemingly sweet prince. A little chuckle fell from his lips, "A little bit over the top?" Asked Ben.

     "A little more than a little bit," Mal replied, though she didn't seem jokingly so. Eloise cleared her throat before Evie smiled, taking her nimble fingers and moving some of her blonde locks back into place. "Well, so much for my first impression," Ben said before Audrey cut in, "—Hey, you're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you? Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff."

     "You're mum is Aurora. . . I knew I thought the name sounded familiar. Is she as sweet as the fairytales describe?" Eloise asked, Audrey, smiled slightly before nodding her head. "Shame she didn't have that effect on you, huh?" Eloise questioned before hearing them all laugh, all beside Audrey.

     "I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world, but my mother to their stupid christening," Mal explained as she scrunched her nose. "Water under the bridge," Audrey sarcastically returned, them both exchanging forced laughter with a dramatic sigh afterward.

This was going to be a long, long time.

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