Chapter Twenty seven

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Stop being stubborn!
The next day Legolas found his way back into Aurelia room. His eyes darted around the room seeing Aurelia trying to stand to her feet. Her legs tremble underneath her as she gripped her hip. He rushed to her side helping her sit back down.

"You are still injured," he said as she sat back down.

"I can push past the pain!" She yelled at him pushing his arm away.

She stood again gripping her side. Legolas gave up on the stubborn girl as she walked around the room. She stretched her arms and her legs. She went to pop her back but a huge pain shot through her hip making her yell out in pain. Legolas rushed to her side throwing her arm over his shoulder as she helped her back towards the bed.

"Rest," he demanded making her mumbled not so nice words.

"Legolas I need to get up and moving again!" She complained as she kicked her legs over the other side of the bed.

He hurried to the other side of the bed. This was like getting a kid to take a nap again. He grabbed her shoulder making her sit back down again. Her blue eyes shot up at him as he held her down.

"Legolas let me up!" She yelled.

"No, you will pull the stitches and I will have to redo them...again," he said and she rolled her blue orbs.

"I will be fine," she tried getting up again but he shoved her back down.

"Stop being stubborn!" He groaned.

"Push me back down again and I will do a quick right jab to your balls," she threatened making him let go of her and backed away. She sighed before laying on the bed and stared at the ceiling. "Then keep me occupied enough to not get bored."

"Tell me a story," he said and she tried to think of one before a smile creeps onto her lips.

"I am kicked out of every bar in the Eriador," she said with a amused grin. "I was a bounty up hunter for at least 400 years," she said looking over at Legolas to see his eyes sparkle. He was amused with everything she was saying. "I have a few titles," she said proudly.

"Tell them to me," he said leaning back in his chair.

"The warrior of death, ranger of the west, the golden one, Queen of the Star, caller upon death, and my favorite, the deathly princess," she said making him grin. "I also like ale," she said with a sly grin.

"Well I knew that," he said making her grin bigger.

"Can we please go somewhere else other then this room!?" She begged as she was already bored again.

"Where do you want to go?" He sighed in defeat.

"I want to go see Estel!" She said happily.

"How do you know Estel?" He asked.

"He is my one of my parents friends," she explained.

"He knew about the star before anybody?" She nodded at his question making him make a Hmm noise.

Legolas helped her up before sliding his hand around her waist. She slid hers around his shoulder as he helped her to the library. They got to the huge doors and Legolas shoved it open with one hand helping her to the furniture. She gripped the back of the chair as Estel walked in holding three books.

"Aurelia," he said with a smile. He walked over and she threw her arms around the tall man. "Are you feeling better?" He asked and she nodded.

"I would be better if I was able to train however the library would do," she said making Estel smile as they broke away from the hug.

"I have to make some errands help yourself to any books," Estel said before sneaking away.

She sat on the floor leaning against the couch holding a book. Legolas sat beside her grabbing a book as well. They sat in silence as the elleth read over the words on the book. They heard a small crack of the door before hearing someone laugh. They both look over seeing their group of friends.

"Look at the two of you!" Cyrus teased walking over. He sat beside Legolas on the floor taking the book from him.

"Cyrus leave them alone," Calista rolled her eyes sitting beside Aurelia while Felix sat beside Cyrus. Lefaye flopped down beside Calista looking towards her friends.

"I'm just saying that they haven't fought in about three months, something fishy is going on," Cyrus said sniffing the air. "Ew, that might just be Felix," Felix wrapped his huge arm around Cyrus neck choking him. "Wait! Wait! I'm sorry Felix!" He begged. Felix let the blonde go as he dramatically act like he was dying causing the group to laugh. "I do not know why you are laughing Calista! You like it when he chokes you," he said making Aurelia make a 'Oop' sound as she looked at the blonde girl.

"That's it!" She jumped over Felix, Aurelia and Legolas lap attacking her twin. They rolled on the ground until she grabbed his long blonde hair pulling him off her.

"Ow, ow, ow," Cyrus cried out.

"Say another word and I will cut out your tongue!" She threatened.

"Okay! Okay!" He yelled out.

Calista let go of him before crawling up beside Felix. Cyrus pouted before jumping over the furniture and landed on the floor beside Lefaye. He placed his arm around the red haired elleth and watched her blush. Aurelia smiled at all her friends.

"When do you get to train again?" Felix asked looking over at Aurelia.

"When Legolas gets out of dad mode," she teased and Legolas frowned.

"I mean he is the oldest one in the room," Lefaye joined in on the teasing.

"How old are you?" Aurelia finally asked.

"2771," he said.

"Holy!" Aurelia said with a small laugh.

"How old are you?" He asked.

"I am only 1427," she proudly said. "How about you two?" She asked Cyrus and Calista.

"1892," they both said.

"Felix?" Aurelia asked.

"2829," he said.

"So you are the dad of the group," Lefaye said.

"Wait how old are you?" Cyrus asked.

"I am the youngest at 989," she said making everyone eyes widen.

"You are just a baby!" Aurelia said with a childish tone.

"Alright grandma," Lefaye smirked making Aurelia grin.

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