Part 3 - Adrien?

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Orphanage owner: Thank you so much for your gifts

: I felt really bad I wasn't gonna be able to give them anything this Christmas since we're low on money right now..

Adrien: It was our pleasure 

<kids laughing>

Orphanage owner: They seem really happy *smiles*

Marinette: Oh, please, someone save me

Kid 1: Don't worry princess, I'll save you!

Kid 2: Rawr! You'll have to get through me first!

Kid 1: Out of the way, you dragon! 

Kid 2: If you want to save your princess you have to get through me, human!

Kid 3: Don't worry kind knight, I'll help you

Kid 1: And how will you do that?

Kid 3: *uses toy wand and taps the knights shoulders*

: I've given you the strength to defeat this mighty dragon

Kid 1: *looks at the dragon ready to attack*

Kid 3: My job here is done *bows and walks away*

Kid 1: AAHHH! *charges towards the dragon*

Kid 2: ahhh.. *falls down and "dies"*

Kid 1: Princess *extends hand*

Marinette: *chuckles* My hero~

: *takes his hand*

Adrien: ... (Why couldn't I be the knight..)

: (Wait what? No.) *face palms* 

: (He's just a kid.. snap out of it Adrien.)

Kid 1: Were shall we go now, your highness

Marinette: Let's go somewhere far away, and be together 

: *looks at him* Forever 

Kid 1: Let's go then

Kid 4: Your carriage has arrived

Marinette: After you my prince

Kid 1: *goes inside*

Marinette: *kisses his cheek*

Kid 1: *looks at her surprised*

Marinette: *smiles* 

Adrien: ...

Nathalie: *taps Adriens shoulder*

Adrien: Hm?

Nathalie: We have to go now, you have a photoshoot that starts in 30

Adrien: Alright, you start the car I'll get Marinette 

Nathalie: *nods and walks away*

Adrien: Marinette, we gotta go

Kid 1: Aww.. already?

Marinette: Already?

Adrien: Yeah, I have a photoshoot in 30mins and Chloe and I were planning helping to find something you like for a job, we were gonna start with design since Chloe says your good at that

Marinette: *looks at the kid*

Kid 1: *sad* If you have to go its fine.. I understand...

If Marinette was an AlienTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang