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The rooster outside in it's pen squaked it's morning tune. A dreadful, ear grating sound that Harley didn't appreciate, especially in the mornings when you've just woken up groggy.

As usual, the sun shone dutifully over the Outerbanks bringing a stark contrast to the storm that had caused such a big disruption across the island. You knew it was bad when power was still out in places across the Cut and there was no cell service still across the entirety of the island.

Harley scribbled out a note for John B and placed it under a glass of cool water on his bedside table. She had work and needed to leave, but he hadn't woken up. He still laid sprawled out on his stomach amongst his sheets.

Yesterday, like Kiara said, JJ and Pope managed to carry John B to the van and got him back to the chateau in one piece. Not once did he wake up and that worried Harley, she had to take solace in the fact his chest had continued to rise and fall.

Feeling guilty about leaving, Harley had to urge herself to close his bedroom door and walk down the hall. He'd be okay. Harley had half shifts for the next two days, so maybe he'd still be asleep by the time she returned.

Sighing she grabbed her bag, smoothie, keys and left. The sun warmed her skin immediately and blinded her for a second. Her hand blocked the gleam as she took a step forward. A blonde boy sat on the steps to the porch. His back facing her as he threw rocks across the dirt. It was JJ. She'd know that golden hair anywhere and the way he carried himself. He sat slightly hunched forward in a relaxed way, his body spread and confident.

JJ turned at the sound of Harley's footsteps, shooting to his feet and facing her. He wore an apprehensive look, his hands at his sides, not quite in his pocket. She thought he looked like he was ready to be scolded.

"JJ. What are you doing here?"

"I came to see how John B was doing? And you?"

"I'm fine. JB should be okay, too." Harley descended and walked passed JJ making him turn again. "Is that all?"

"Why do I get the feeling you aren't happy with me?"

"Because I'm not," Harley answered honestly. Her eyes stared confidently into JJ's eyes, her actions a stark contrast to how she'd react a year ago.

"Why? Because of yesterday?"

"Yes! What the hell were you thinking?"

"That I needed to save my best friend's life. Your brother."

"And there's so many other ways you could have done that. You didn't need to put a gun to Topper's head or fire bullets into the sky to scare the entire beach away."

"It worked, didn't it? Topper backed off and John B is okay. He was going to kill him."

"He wouldn't have, JJ."

"How do you know that. He's a Kook. They do what they want and get away with it."

"JJ, the focus isn't that Topper is a Kook. It's your own actions. They were extreme. Not to mention the trouble we'll be in with Peterkin now. Me and John B are barely able to stay here and your show last night definitely didn't help."

"We won't be in trouble with Peterkin," JJ dismissed with a nonchalant wave of his hand. "You didn't do anything."

Harley folded her arms and gave him an unimpressed look. Of course, none of the Pogues would let JJ take all the heat on his own. That's not how the Pogues treated each other. They were all in this together no matter what. Family until the end.

Not liking Harley's stare down, JJ continued, "You're just mad because Topper's your friend."

JJ's change of focus worked as Harley stood a little taller. He had undoubtedly ruffled her feathers. She pulled her bag higher up her shoulder and responded, "We aren't friends."

CASTAWAY ⚓ R.C, J.MWhere stories live. Discover now