Chapter 20

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A chill ran through Mia's body as she stepped out from her room into the kitchen. Glancing out the patio window, she noticed the leaves were beginning to transform into a brightened yellow. Fall had begun, marking six months since Mia's arrival to Maine in the springtime.

While the air was cold, Mia stepped out onto the patio anyway and glanced out over the trees. Autumn in New York had been beautiful, but there was something special about the way the seasons transformed in Maine. She was looking forward to feeling the crisp air on her skin again and watching the leaves fall from the branches.

The warmth immediately returned to her body when she stepped inside. A quiet meow grabbed Mia's attention. Fuji was sitting on the kitchen counter, a spot Mia knew he wasn't allowed to be, but considering he wasn't making a mess, Mia let him enjoy himself.

"I'm guessing you want dinner," Mia said.

Fuji meowed, clearly responding to her question.

Mia knew by now where Leila kept the cat food. She ignored the impatient tabby's cries as she placed some wet food in his bowl. He devoured it quickly, as only a few minutes after Mia got comfy on the couch, he was licking the sides of his mouth and walking over to the couch for his evening nap.

Mia was happy the cat at least tolerated being in the same room as her. He often came to her to beg for food on the days she was home in the evening, but he had not yet let her stroke him at all.

She turned and watched as Fuji curled up on one of the couch pillows. He looked content and peaceful. Cautiously, Mia began to move her hand toward him, wondering how he would react. He glanced up at her, not seeming to care, but as her fingers inched closer to his fur, he hissed. Mia immediately pulled her hand back.

As Fuji went back to sleep, Mia gazed toward the door. It was Leila's turn to make dinner tonight. Though they had fallen into an easy dinner routine, Mia often grew impatient on the nights she was alone in the apartment, waiting for Leila to come home. She seldom liked being left alone, especially now that she had a roommate she got along with.

Something had changed in the past month that she couldn't quite pinpoint. She'd been tormented in August by the fact she was growing comfortable in Maine. That feeling was always lurking beneath her skin, and yet, somehow she'd simply chosen to ignore those thoughts once the air grew cold.

Mia heard the usual finagling of the keys and saw Fuji's ears perk up. A moment later, Leila was opening the door, and Fuji sprinted from the couch to go greet her.

"Don't let him fool you. He's already eaten," Mia warned Leila.

"Ooh, you naughty boy. I see what you're doing," Leila said to Fuji as she knelt down and pet him. She glanced back up at Mia. "I was thinking of making a new pasta dish tonight if that's okay with you."

"Sure. I can help," Mia offered.

They later stood at the stove. The shrimp Leila was cooking sizzled in the pan while Mia slowly stirred some pasta sauce on a separate burner. Already Leila had lamented about her multiple meetings that had kept her from having as productive of a day as she wanted. Mia struggled to come up with anything interesting to share from her day, only that she was hungry and looking forward to dinner.

"How's work going with you?" Leila asked.

"Oh. It's fine. I think I'm more used to it now," Mia explained. "I haven't dropped a glass since the summer, at least."

"Hey, that is a big accomplishment," Leila said. "I'm sure I would've dropped a bunch of dishes if I were a waitress. Speaking of which, have you thought about other jobs?"

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