Chapter 16

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Within the first fifteen minutes of my escape flight, the bullet holes in the balloon had leaked enough air to stop me from gaining any more altitude. I settled on a quiet spot in the middle of a random road to park the ship. There's no chance they'll be able to hunt for me from this far away.

Hope whoever has to get the ship off the road will have fun in the morning, because it sure won't be me.

I walk the rest of the distance to the Constellation on foot. Today was a successful day, all things considered. I used Shady Shane as one of my informants, beat information out of two thugs trying to de-home an old lady, escaped with my life in a crazy car chase scene, found their base, and snuck through their whole building for Slaphand's possible location, all while finding the time for a power nap.

Pretty sick, if you ask me.

Still, it was a lot. Maybe too much. My bed's looking as enticing as it had yesterday. Despite being nearly dawn, I curl up in bed and catch some much-needed z's.

A loud knocking sound wakes me abruptly. My head is groggy and my body's sore. Jumping and running into things as much as I did was wearing me out already. How long was I asleep? Judging by how bright it is, it had to have been more than a few hours.

"Open up!" someone yells. It's a command, but the tone isn't necessarily hostile.

Either way, I'm not taking any chances. If they've spotted me, they won't have for long.

Hand on holster, I step onto the main deck and peek my head above the rim. A strong sense of déjà vu washes over me, but I ease a little when I see who it is.

"Can I help you, officer?" I remove my hand from the holstered weapon.

"Are you the owner of this ship?" the officer asks.

"Yes, I am. Why, did I forget something?"

"If you mean you forgot to pay to park here, yeah. You have to get a permit. They're twenty wings a day, but you get an extra ten added as a fine because you don't have a permit yet."

"Oh, shoot. I got here so late, it totally slipped my mind."

I don't know why I feel the need to lie. It's not like I'm in any serious trouble, and there's no getting out of paying for the parking permit. Still, I don't want to incriminate myself in front of the man.

"Let me go get some cash real quick."

I stash my weapons away so that he doesn't notice how much heat I'm packing and grab five twenties and a ten, enough to pay for the entire week plus the fine.

"You wouldn't happen to know the fastest way to Hand & Boogie Retail, would you?" I ask, as he punches numbers and fills in some paperwork. "I've got some hunting to do in that area for my sister-in-law, and I hear they're some of the best."

"They're not bad, but they're far from the best," the cop says, inputting something into the parking meter my ship's at. "Take a left off of Flup Avenue and it's almost a direct shot, but if you want some super high-quality service, go to Mary and Macy's. They're super nice, and also a lesbian couple, if you're progressive. Best darn craftwork I've ever seen."

I internally wince at the sound of Mary's name, even though it's not her he's talking about. "I'll keep that in mind. Thank you."

"Alright, Miss Luna Wells, don't forget to renew your permit or get the heck out of here by Sunday night. If you have any complaints regarding our interaction today, you may call the Carmsborough Police Contact Hotline. My name has been Officer Hitch. Peace."

"Police Contact Hotline?"

"Oh, some new initiative the president and Orion are enforcing. I have to mention it at the end of every conversation while on duty. It's a good idea in theory, but completely annoying in practice."

Luna on the Run (The Carmsborough Vigilantes #1)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя