4 // - I guess we can be friends - // 4

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"Hey, Y/N?" You looked at the blue haired boy.

"Yea Kaidou?" He grinned putting his jet black wings persona on.

"Would you want to come with me and Saiki on a very dangerous mission. Just a quick warning you could get hurt. So I, Jet black Wings will protect yo-"

"Of course, jet black wings. And I, Ultra phantom, can protect myself." You grinned copying his persona, heroically getting out your seat.

'Don't humour him.'

Kaidou's eyes lit up and he had the widest smile looking at you admiringly.

"Let's go then!" He grinned again.


"So what's this dangerous mission we're on." You asked turning to Kaidou in the forest.

"We have to find the hidden treasure." He grabbed a map out of his pocket. There was a massive red X that he pointed to. "It's located right here." You stared at the map more intensely.

"Wait. If that's where it is how come we're all the way over here." You were all the way on the over side of the map.

"Wait no we're here." He pointed very close the red X.

"Kaidou.. did you get us lost. How good are you with maps.."

'Yea we're lost I noticed 20 minutes ago. I didn't bother saying anything because the treasure is actually not treasure and I'm just hoping he's going to give up since I don't wanna spend 2 hours digging for nothing.'

"No I'm great at maps! Hahe.." He said nervously sweat dripping down his forehead. "See we just turn around and go this way.

- 30 minutes later -

"OKAY NOW WE'RE LOST EH" He fell to his knees comically crying.

"It's okay Kaidou. That map is just off."

'Well the maps actually really easy but I'm obviously not gonna tell him that..'

'Don't be nice. He should know where he messed up'

"Here give me the map." You said. He shakily passed it to you. You stared at it for awhile. "Ohh I see. Okay follow me, Jet Black Wings, and Pink falcon." You said winking at Saiki and help Kaidou up.

"Don't give me a name. And why is mine so lame."

You led them forward and then you finally found the red X. To your surprise there was an actual X there. Kaidou hugged you. "YOU FOUND IT. YOUR AMAZING Ultra Phantom! Maybe my new comrade" He said chuckling. "IM KIDDING SAIKI YOUR OBVIOUSLY MY COMRADE TOO."

'I'm not offended why would i be. I would be glad if you took Y/N on 'adventures' and not me.'

You and Kaidou dug up the hole for ages until finally you hit something hard. His eyes started glowing. You found a treasure chest and he swung it open quickly. There was a rat in it. You jumped up screaming and fell on the floor next to Saiki.


"He's so cute. I'm going to name him 'death of thunder" He was petting the rat.


"but he's cute!" You walked off, Saiki following. Leaving Kaidou sat there in his happiness.


-  -

Ding dong.

'Huh?' You thought. Your dad had left to go to work when you remembered.
"The Saiki's might pop over so remember your manners"
'Oh yea. Dad said they might be coming over.' You thought excited to see your friend.

"Hello sweetheart!! We brought cake!!" Saiki's mom said with a very unhappy Saiki next to her.

"oh thank you very much Mrs Saiki!" You said, bowing as you let them in.

"Don't be silly! Call me Kurumi!" She said sweetly. You smiled and you walked to the table to lay the cake out.

"I'll make some tea." You said kindly. She flashed you an adorable smile.

"Thank you sweetheart." You went into the kitchen to make some tea.


"I've got tea! I didn't know what flavour you wanted so I just got lemon tea, my favourite. I hope it's okay." You said smiling as you sat across from them.

"Thank you honey." Kurumi said her smile widening.

"Thanks." You drank tea and then Kurumi had to go. Saiki was going to follow but then stopped himself.

"Wanna hang out?" Your eyes lit up. Your smile widened.

"Sure!" You put your shoes on and so did he and you two walked out the door. You were smiling the entire way. You liked hanging out with Saiki and it was a bummer that he didn't like hanging around with people. He was so chill and fun to be around.

You two walked to a nearby café and ordered the same thing.

"So what kind of stuff do you like to do in your spare time?" You asked. He shrugged.

'Can't really say what I actually do otherwise..'

"I like to play video games I guess."

"Oh cool! What games?" You asked taking small bites.

"Anything really." You thought curiously.

'He's so mysterious. It's intriguing though. I want to find out more about him, he's so interesting.'

'I'm really not that interesting.'

'I kinda wanna get closer to him. He's so cool and I like his company.. he's so nice to hang around with.' Saiki's mouth opened for a second in surprise. He soon closed it. He breathed out.


"Do you wanna come round mine tomorrow to play video games or something.." Your eyes widened. You smiled.

"I'd like that!"

Your bearable I guess. (Saiki x reader story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon