Chapter 12

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"Good morning!"

The sudden change of light woke me from the pleasant dreamless sleep. I turned away from the light, hitting a solid chest. I looked up, only to be met with a waking Jasper.

"Mornin'" He greeted, a soft smile on his face.

I bolted straight up, memories from the night's events replaying in my mind. I'm sure Jasper could feel my embarrassment as he let out a soft laugh while sitting up.

"Here, I got you breakfast!" Alice handed me a plate, she was already fully dressed and ready for the day, "And for Jazz!" She leaned over and handed him a glass.

"How are you up? What time is it?" I asked as she placed a kiss on my cheek before seemingly appearing on the other side of the bed, doing the same to Jasper.

"Alice doesn't sleep," Jasper said simply.

"I'm sorry?"

"I don't like sleeping, it's a waste of time!" She explained, "Vampires don't need to sleep, but some do out of habit"

"But you do?" I looked at Jasper.

"It helps me feel more alive" He smiled, he grabbed Alice's hand and kissed it "But Alice doesn't remember being human, so it feels unnatural to her."

"What does that mean, exactly?"

"Oh, it's literal!" Alice said "I don't remember ever being human, so things like sleeping or eating are things I've never had to do!"

I nodded, "Why is that?"

"We don't really know" She says, a bit sadly "We've tried to look for answers about my human life, but nothing's really come of it"

"Oh" I really don't know what to say to that, "I'm sorry" Is this why she was so interested in figuring my stuff out? Maybe she didn't want me to go through the same confusion and frustration she's probably gone through.

Realization suddenly hit me.

"How did you get these without my host family seeing you?" I asked, gesturing at the food.

"They left an hour ago for church" She explained, working herself into Jaspers lap "They left a note, they didn't want to wake you since you had a late night"

I nodded, taking another bite.

"Late night indeed" Jasper said before taking a drink, a mischievous look in his eyes.

"Jasper!" I gasped. Alice just laughed.

Monday morning arrived, and I was warned that Bella would have questions, because Alice has very little control over her thoughts. Which meant Edward knew, which in turn meant Bella knew.

I didn't expect Bella to be waiting for me at the parking lot, though. Expecting answers and practically vibrating with excitement.

"Good morning Elle!" She greeted me happily, looping her arm in mine.

"Morning," I answered dryly. "Why, if I may ask, are you here so early?"

"I wanted to get you alone, and this is the best time for that" Her smile just kept growing.

"And why would you want to get me alone?"

"So that you can tell me about the dance!" She pulled my arm in excitement.

"I don't know what you mean" I bit back a laugh "It was a pretty normal dance, i think. I don't know why movies make such a big deal-"

"You know what I mean!" She huffed "With Alice and Jasper! Edward said something very interesting happened"

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