Oh My Alpha

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The event ended up being a lot more enjoyable than I ever even anticipated considering the fiasco that transpired. Everyone ended up having a really good time. The majority of the evening, Aaron and Malakai ensured I was not left out or treated like a third wheel by any means. We spent every second together and I can honestly say I really enjoyed myself. They both walked me home afterwards and I ended up getting some decent sleep that night. I wasn't really feeling a million times better as of yet but I was kind of forcing myself to cope with the fact that Aaron wasn't into me, but gay even. It was alright, not like I had a shot with him anyways. At this point, I should be used to disappointments.

---Three months later---

I walked outside in my new blue crop top and my white jean shorts taking a nice deep breath of summer air. It was that wonderful time of year where the sun is at the right peak and the weather was perfect to go to the beach. We, being the LunarSun wolf pack, we had the closest community next to the beach and I could not be happier! I had to wear a shit ton of sunscreen but that's fine. I'm used to being pale. I had an entire bag with me that was filled to the brim with six cans of Banana Boat and a bunch of drinks and snacks. I tossed my new gradient rainbow towel over my shoulder and plopped my butt down on the bottom step of the porch waiting on Aaron and Malakai to show up.

They both seemed to be happy and enjoying themselves these past few months. They were all about one another and never seemed to leave me out if I was around which was super nice however I am extremely concerned they do that out of pity. I huffed in frustrated. 'They don't need to pity me, I'm fine on my own,' I thought to myself. I was snapped out of my thoughts at the sound of a chirp from my pocket. I reached inside and pulled out my new edition Tamagotchi that Malakai gave me as a gift recently. It was beeping at me saying it was hungry. I smiled at it softly and started feeding it, "well at least I have you, little guy."

"Yo! You ready to go?" Aaron was waving and yelling to me from the street and Malakai was right beside him giving me a very warm smile. I ran over to them with my stuff and Malakai looked at the Tamagotchi in my hand. "Oh! Are you enjoying it? I have such a hard time with those and my poor little friends end up dying. I figured you would have better luck with those things." He laughed awkwardly and scratched the back of his head looking a bit embarrassed at his statement. I laughed a little and showed him my screen. "Yeah, I have been keeping him on me at all times. I wouldn't want the little one to die on me! He sure is a lot of work. Like... a lot. But it keeps me busy."

Aaron squinted at me and scoffed, "I had one of those things, they aren't that bad. They updated them to where you can leave them for two whole days without food and-" Malakai cut him off waving his arms, "No, no... This one I got for her requires constant attention. You don't want to let it starve which could happen after three hours. Hers is different, trust me." Aaron stared at him and raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Oh, okay. Where did you get one like that?" Malakai blushed and looked at his feet. "Well, I have had this version for a while now but never started it up and wanted someone else to have it since mine always die. I thought it would be a nice gift for Seraphina since I am sucky at those little games." Aaron gave a very amused smile and laughed a bit, "Well that was sweet of you. I'm sure she has been taking extra good care of her friend." Malakai's face lit up and he beamed happily at both of us, "I'm glad! The one I got for her has a super long lifespan too where it never dies unless you stop taking care of it."

I stared down at my Tamagotchi and noticed there was a little pause button on the bottom right. I never noticed it before so I decided to press it and nothing happened. "The heck?" They both looked at me and Malakai watched what I was doing, "Oh, yeah with that older edition, the pause buttons were defective. But what's cool is eventually the little guy will talk to you. They carry some neat conversations with you too at times." I shrugged and stuff it back in my pocket, "Alright, well enough of that. I'm ready for that beach!" They both smiled and nodded in agreement so we proceeded to the beach. The sun on my face was so warm and welcoming, extremely satisfying.

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