Chapter Thirty-One: Pretty Thighs

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There are plenty of nice restaurants in town but if you were looking for fancy, the Ivey was the way to go. The Italian bistro was gorgeous with dark oak-panelled walls, secluded booths, blood-red linen tablecloths. And candlelight. Lots and lots of candlelight.

I have no idea how Warner managed to snag a reservation but when I asked him all he did was smile at me and say he had "Connections".

Did I mention he was wearing a suit? He looks spectacular in a suit. The crisp black jacket stretched across his wide shoulders, and he decided to forgo a tie, so I had the most delicious view of his strong throat peeking from the open-top button of his white dress shirt.

The waiter leads us to our booth, and Warner waits for me to slide in before sliding in opposite me. I was so glad he wasn't a weird sit same-side of the booth guy.

"Can I ask you something?" he hedges, after the waiter recites the specials and pours us two glasses of sparkling water.


"How come...."

I freeze thinking he was going to bring up the topic of eating disorders. He recognizes my discomfort because he hurries on almost apologetically. "How come Abby said God would forgive you if you had sex?"

I reach for my water glass and take a very, very long sip. Not the most brilliant stalling tactic but it's the only one I can think of. I knew this would come up eventually. If anything, I am surprised it didn't come up sooner. But that doesn't mean I was looking forward to it. I also thought I could put the topic off for a while longer.

"Well. Um. The thing is..." I inhale, then continue with rapid-fire speed. "I'mavirgin."

A wrinkle appears on his forehead. "What?"

I repeat myself, slowly this time, with actual pauses between each word. "I'm a virgin." Then I hold my breath and await his reaction. I know how guys like Warner are, so I sit back and await the bad reaction. I had no faith in men, so I figured it was always best to expect the worst from them. I wouldn't be surprised if he left before our date even started.

Warner blinks and then his face shifts into something I would imagine resembles someone winning the lottery. Or a kid on Christmas who got the exact gift they wanted.

"Stop smiling like that" I grunt. I was expecting him to be scared off not smile. His smile only widened after I told him to stop.

"You know I like when you boss me around."

"Aren't you put off?" I ask and curse myself for showing my insecurity. Although at least I managed to wipe the smile off his face because he frowns.

"Put off? This is the best news I have heard in a while. I have had many thoughts about being between those pretty thighs of yours and knowing that I will get to be the first brings me more joy than you know" he grins mischievously at me and I almost choke on my water.

"I never said I would be allowing you between my pretty thighs" I take a big sip of my water, but nothing is quenching my thirst.

"Remember that comment when you are begging for me to-"

I cough loudly because I see the waiter coming back over. Feeling grateful for him interrupting this conversation. Warner just gives me a knowing smile and I push my glasses up my nose, a nervous habit I used to have.

I change the topic to the only thing I can think of "So who is your favourite Kardashian?"

I should stop talking but I continue rambling "I guess the proper question is to ask who your favourite Kardashian or Jenner is ...since technically Kylie and Kendall aren't Kardashians but when you hear the word Kardashian you think of them." I am rambling so much that I want to kick myself. Why is he letting me talk so much? He just keeps smiling at me, I highly doubt Warner Brooks watches Keeping up with the Kardashians let alone has a favourite one. I want to shrivel up and disappear.

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