NERD | WilburxM!Reader pt 1

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Concept: Tommy wants to get a tattoo for a vlog 0.0

TW: mention of dr*ugs and alcohol, needles, and anxiety disorders


[Y/n] is the owner of a tattoo shop called "Creative Hands". Saying that he was heavily tattooed was an understatement, his legs and arms, even his torso, were covered in tattoos. Most of which he had done himself, at least all of the ones he could do without contorting himself uncomfortably.

[Y/N]'s shop was right in the square, meaning he got quite a few walk-ins from random people, but one stood out.



Two young males walked in one day, one was tall-ish with a mop of blond hair on his head and the other was shorter with brown hair that half hung in his eyes. They both looked about 18.

"Excuse me, I would like to come here and get a tattoo, but I was wondering if I would be able to record?" The blond one asks, I was a bit taken aback by just how nice he was being.

"Well, if you want it to record for your friends to see, we don't have anything wrong with it-" I started, but was cut off by the male.

"No like, I have a YouTube channel that I would post it on"

"Well, the only artist here that would be okay with that is me, you'd have to not show any of the other artists or customers faces. And if you catch one, either blur it or cut it out entirely" I replied, a bit confused by the prospect of someone wanting to record the process.

"Of course! And we normally try to play up our videos, but if you're not okay with possible chaos then we don't have to" He says.

I think for a minute and hum a bit to myself "Well, the best I can say is that we have a private room that you can reserve for it and there are a few items that you cannot touch because they're sterilized. What is the name of your YouTube channel?"

The entire time I was talking, he was nodding along and listening, but as soon as I got to the last part, his posture straightened a bit. "It's called Tom Simons, but I also run Tommyinnit. For it a few of my friends would come along, they're also YouTube, They're Tubbo, Jack Manifold, and Wilbur Soot" He says, a bit awkward.

The name Wilbur Soot set off a few bells in my head, I recognized that name from something, but I wouldn't couldn't remember from where

"Well, a few things, for your tattoo since it looks like you are underage, I'll need you to bring in a valid form of ID. As far as recording for your YouTube channel goes, I request that you don't record the main shop since we get quite a few customers and have quite a few artists here. Also I don't take payment in exposure, but the cost will depend on your chosen design."

Tommy nods and smiles a bit sheepishly "I fully intend to pay whatever the price is, thank you for allowing me to record in your shop, I'll follow whatever rules you lay out, I promise." He assures.

I nod and open my mouth to say something but get cut off when his friend spoke up.

"Also, he's kinda a pussy when it comes to pain-"

"Toby!!" Tommy yells, obviously embarrassed.

"Oh, that's not really a problem, we've recently been given some lidocaine to help numb the area to help with people who want a tattoo but can't deal with the pain, it is a shit, so as long as you can handle that you'll be fine for the tattoo. We also have multiple fidget toys you can use to distract yourself."

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