chapter seven; of dragons and cohabitation and way too many flower metaphors

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"So your mom doesn't know you died," I summarize, a few minutes later. "Even though it has been over a week since you disappeared."

"Yeah. But I only died, like, yesterday. And I used to do that all the time."

"What, die?" My laugh might be bordering on hysterical.

"No, dummy. Disappear."

"So that wasn't the only dragon you fought?"

Priya's expression is properly outraged now, for all the wrong reasons. "I didn't fight him! He needed help. It wasn't his fault that he got caught in that stupid trap that these stupid self-declared hunters set. And it certainly wasn't his fault that he panicked from the pain when I tried to help him out!"

"And I guess the fact that he released his venom was a complete accident too."

"Exactly! You get it!"

I don't have the heart to tell her that that was meant to be sarcastic. "Ah," I say instead, and try to process all this information.

Putting aside the confirmation that Priya moving away in the first place really had been my fault, and the newfound reason for that (said reason being that apparently I got myself cursed, of all things), the story of exactly how Priya died seems almost too wild to take at face-value.

Then again, it's not really as though I of all people have a leg to stand on in this. I, who count Cerberus (magical hell-hound that he is) as one of my closest friends. Can't really blame Priya for trying to make friends with dragons, let alone save their lives.

I'm pretty sure that this at least solves the mystery of the claw marks on her neck — they aren't fresh, after all, the scars almost healed, so probably from yet another dragon baby she'd tried (and most likely succeeded) to save from those "stupid self-declared hunters". One who knew to keep its venom to itself when dealing with a human, at least.

That's all the processing I get to do.

Vanny is usually kind enough to let me know whenever there's a customer in the store who looks like they need help in case I'm hiding out in the lab, and so that's exactly what she does right now. 

It's some definition of kind at least, I'm sure, even though the method she chooses today is one that knocks me right off my feet.

It helps to dislodge the whirling thoughts from my brain, at least, and knocks me right back into reality.

Priya stares at me with wide eyes, one arm stretched out as though she tried to reach for me.

I send her a wry smile. "Duty calls."


The apartment is still angry with me.

Or maybe angry is the wrong word now.

Unsettled, maybe. 

The plants whisper warnings, but they're weird and jumbled, not as easily deciphered as usual. 

It's more than just them being thirsty, or me being out of sugar. 

It's something bigger, something that they don't really have the words for.

It reminds me of the initial reason for why I visited my childhood home today, though; reminds me of the fact that I promised to return tonight.

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