Guide to Submissions

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What are Submissions?

This profile features well-written works having ambiguity in characters, language, poetic moments and multilayered symbolism and open-ended interpretations. We aim to give attention to works that will appeal to an audience seeking this type of work.

Before you submit your work, please make sure that it satisfies the following criterias:

Grammar- Work must have correct punctuation, proper spellings and should have a overall good quality.

Complete- Stories must be marked complete, or if ongoing, should be updated within the last 3 months with plans to continue.

Flow- Featured stories must be well written, compelling, and flow well from chapter to chapter.

Suitable- Stories must be specific to the profile.

Rated- Stories that do not adhere to Wattpad's Content Guidelines or are incorrectly rated will not be considered.

Standalone- We only accept standalone stories or stories that are the first in a series.

English and Hindi stories only- At the moment, we can only accept stories written in English and Hindi. 

If you think your story has what it takes, submit your story to our Reading Lists through this form

Just open the link in your browser and complete the questions. Once everything is filled out, press submit ( only once) and that's it. 

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