Chapter 11

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I've posted a glossary/pronunciation guide to the beginning of the book. If there's names, words, or phrases you want to know about, just comment, and I'll get them added!

Chapter 11

"Do you know much about the stories of Hati and Skoll?"

My question caught Astrid off guard and she let the axe fall against the wooden stump. I kept my focus on stacking the wood but I could feel her watching me. I hadn't told her the full extent of my conversation with Alpha Hati last night, but she hadn't seemed surprised when I'd told her I'd gotten a scolding for our. . . excursion a few nights ago.

"I haven't heard anyone mention a twin, a brother," I pressed on. "Your his cousin, you must know."

"I should have known you'd have questions about that." She chuckled, blowing stray strands of blonde hair from her face. "But if you really want the answer to your questions, there's another wolf you should ask."

So she hadn't denied what I was hinting at, but she hadn't confirmed it either. My nose scrunched at her suggestion to, and I looked up from placing the last small log on top of the pile. "He wouldn't answer."

She laughed again, swinging the axe up to rest against her shoulder, and I watched muscle flex with envy. I'd fill out again, but Astrid was a force to be reckoned with, I decided, after watching her chop wood for well over an hour. I had the feeling it wasn't a task she normally saw to, but it was all I could really help with so she was happy to change her usual routine.

"Didn't your father tell you the stories?"

"What he remembered of them," I agreed, pushing myself to my feet, wiping bark and wood dust onto the front of my dress. "Mostly about their roll in Ragnarok."

Astrid looked stricken for a moment but my gaze was quickly distorted by a bitter wind that swept dark tresses in front of my eyes. The rustle of branches rolled like waves on the shore, dropping melting snow onto the frozen ground below.

"How is your father?" she asked.

A good change of subject. I sighed and looked towards the grey castle rising up into thick white clouds, almost hiding the mountains around it.

"He gets better every day. Eirny says she will let him go if he can walk the length of the hall in a few days."

"That's good! You will have to show him around." Astrid grinned. "I have to get back inside, but the outside barrels need refilled. Are you happy enough to do it by yourself?"

I nodded, noting the massive bucket already waiting for me by Astrid's feet.

The river was outside of the castle walls to the East, but still in view and earshot of anyone within the courtyard. It was the furthest I was allowed to go on my own, but if I closed my eyes, I could pretend I was miles away from everyone, maybe standing in some windswept machair on one of the islands back home.

"I'll see you later this afternoon then," she said, already backing away to the door with a mischievous grin that I didn't understand. What was she playing at? "Or maybe tonight. Try and talk to someone besides me before I see you again."

Rolling my eyes, I lifted the bucket. "I'll try."

"Your family doesn't count," she added, laughing as I pursed my lips. She spun on her heel and the red dress she wore flared around her.

I'd find it easier to speak to someone if I hadn't made a pariah of myself. Rumour about what happened the night we found Yousuf had spread quickly, and so had my reaction. My claims of hearing a dead wolf crying out even had my family looking at me differently, though they did their best to hide it. Only Father remained ignorant of it all, and I dreaded the day he finally heard.

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