Chapter Five: Elias

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Elias knew what he was about to do would be criticized; he knew it was probably a bad idea. His father would certainly never do it. However, Elias had something his father did not: integrity. A heart. Elias knew that to be king, to have power, meant putting others before yourself. That knowledge still did not stop his heart from pounding in anxiety at just the thought of it, nor did that knowledge keep the thoughts of doubt in the back of his mind at bay. Questions of whether this was the right choice to make or whether he would even make it back alive to be king at all were nagging at Elias, but he tried to ignore them. This was what he had to do.

And so, he would do it.

Valerius was pacing; Elias had never seen him this high-strung before. Valerius was the type to go with the flow, to adapt to whatever it was that was going on around him. Seeing Valerius like this was not helping Elias' own nerves.

"Are you really going to do this?" Valerius asked, stopping to glare down at Elias like he was a madman.

Elias stopped packing and looked up at his cousin. "I am," he said, happy when his voice came out braver than he felt.

"You're insane."

"Val, I have to do this. For my people."

Valerius shook his head. "And what if you don't come back? What happens to your people then?"

There was a light knock at the door and both men turned to see Marquessa, Elias' fiancée. Her typical gown was replaced with leather breeches, knee-high boots, and a red tunic. The belt at her waist held knives of varying sizes; her long, red hair was no longer falling freely about her shoulders as it usually did but was now tied back in a tight braid down her back, the freckles on her cheeks clear as day.

"Marquessa," Elias said, surprised.

Marquessa entered the room, hands on her hips. "I'm going with you," she said.

"Don't be ridiculous," Valerius said, rolling his eyes.

"Calm down, Val," Marquessa said sarcastically. "Your masculinity will still be intact, even if you let a woman come along to help."

Valerius grumbled to himself and went to sit on the couch. "Whatever."

Elias had to admit he was impressed. Though he and his fiancée did not spend much time together and did not even know much about one another, Elias had always considered Marquessa to be prim and fragile. There was nothing wrong with that, of course. But seeing her like this, ready to follow him where he was going, it showed him that he did not know anything about her at all.

"Marquessa," Elias said. "I'm sorry, but Valerius is right. I can't let you come."

"You don't have to let me. You may be prince regent and you may be my fiancé, but you are not my boss. I'm going with you."

Elias tried to fight his smile but failed. "Can't argue with that," he said. "You know where we're going, right?"

"Of course, I do," Marquessa replied. "Eremus. The Desertlands."

Elias tied his pack and slung it over his shoulder. "We might not come back," he warned everyone.

Valerius stood and stretched. "Big deal, let's go," he said.

Marquessa shrugged and followed Valerius.

The three of them made their way through the castle and out to where the horses were waiting. Elias did not bother saying goodbye to his parents; his father was probably praying he did not return, and his mother was complicated, to say the least. Outside, Bayram and the several others who were accompanying them were waiting, already on their horses, chatting excitedly.

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