13. The Suspicions of Mr Potter

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The next day Harry had the first of two days of interviews and aptitude testing for the position of Head Auror to replace Robards when he finally retired. Harry hadn't told anyone about the interviews in case he didn't get the job, partly because he didn't believe he deserved the job, no matter what Draco said. He felt Kingsley was pushing him into it (but at least he knew professional Quidditch was out now as an alternative career and he did know, at heart, he was suited to the job).

The first day was gruelling, including physical tests, training sessions, and aptitude tests. Still, it was a welcomed escape, especially from Ron who looked like he was bursting to ask Harry questions about his weekend and what had happened with Draco. Harry also welcomed escaping into the gym at the end of the day to work off his brain fog. He was on the bench, lifting weights, when the door suddenly banged open and Draco stormed in.

'You fucking twat!' he snarled at Harry, looming over him and pressing the bar down against Harry's chest in clear anger, trapping him, his pale fingers digging into Harry's chest. 'You fucking... fucking...' he pushed away.

'What's happened?' Harry wheezed, staring wide-eyed at the blond man.

It was more than noticeable that Draco looked a mess, his face was smeared with blood and soot, there was a cut over his eyebrow, his hair was dirty and disarray, his hands were rough and scratched, his clothes filthy, and he smelt of smoke.

'FUCK!' Draco swore again and stormed into the changing room.

Harry lay on the bench momentarily, utterly stunned. He heaved the weight bar off his chest and went to the changing room.

The door was locked.

'Draco!' he called through the door but there was no answer. 'DRACO! What's wrong? What's happened?'

He tried banging on the locked door.

There was no answer but Harry was sure he heard what sounded like a stifled sob on the other side of the door.

'Draco,' he tried more softly, knocking more softly. 'Will you let me in? Draco, please, you're worrying me.'

There was still no answer.

Harry slid to the floor, leaning against the door.

'I'm here,' he said quietly. 'I'm just by the door, if you want to talk.'

He could tell Draco was sitting on just the other side, he heard him shuffling around.

It was shortly after that Ron found Harry and signalled him over.

'Draco, I'm just going to get my hoodie, I'll be back in a sec.'

When he reached Ron, he said quietly, 'what's happened? Draco's shut himself in the changing room and besides swearing at me, he won't talk. He's just the other side of the door so he might be able to hear us.'

Ron nodded in understanding. 'There was an explosion, at the house in Bristol. Just after Robards ordered the raid. Robards is a fucking idiot, he's lucky no one was more seriously injured, we didn't know what we were facing – it was only because he'd seen Rowle enter the house. The Morency lab blew sky high and the roof collapsed inwards. The only reason Robards wasn't killed is because Williamson is half mountain troll and acted like a cave for the twat. When Draco turned up to start his shift, we were milling around outside afterwards, the injured were being treated, and we were all a bit shell-shocked. So, he arrived in the middle of chaos and no one briefed him properly. Harry...' he paused, '...he thought you were trapped in the building. I tried to stop him but he rushed in, looking for you. I was yelling that it was still dangerous in there but he was insisting he needed to find you and make sure you were okay.'

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