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Driving into Banff is like leaving the world behind. The road curves around the mountains, mixing with trees and lakes as the sun beats down onto the hot tarmac. Everything is crystal clear and the wind winding its way through my open window is crisp and clean.

But the town itself — or is it a city? — is full of life. People mill about the street, carrying bags of popcorn and eating beaver tails as they wait at the stop lights. It's the perfect mix of nature and adventure and civilization.

"I don't know why I've never come up here before," I marvel as Enrique turns off the main street. "And I'm glad I let you drive because I think I have three hundred pictures."

"That must be rivaling the amount we have of our wedding," he laughs. "Which we should maybe consider burning."

"We should definitely consider burning them," I laugh. "I mean, let's not talk about my dress falling off my shoulder or the lipstick on your face."

"Well, you put it there," he defends.

"How do you know?" I mock.

"I don't." He grimaces. "But I sure hope it was you."

"What's that?" I ask him, pointing to a little house with a flag affixed to its front porch.

"I'm not sure. The lady who lives there is into very obscure sports, though, so maybe there's a game tonight."

"Ooh, intrigue." I shove a handful of chips into my mouth and put the window all the way down, letting the fresh air engulf my car. "It really is so nice out here. Relaxing." I sigh into my seat. "I can see why you like it."

"It can definitely be relaxing," he agrees. "And I really like how close I am to the mountains so I can get away with hiking or skiing."

"And rock climbing," I remind him.

"You remember that?"

"Who wouldn't remember the man who loves rock climbing but is afraid of heights?"

I'm teasing and the look on his face says he knows it.

Finally, we round the last corner and he points to a house sitting on a huge lot to our left. "This is me."

"Okay, I am no longer worried about your having money to afford that ring. How big is that house?"

"Too big," he laughs. "I probably only need half of it at most. But when you see the theater it has that converts to a sunroom, you'll understand why I had to have it."

"Lead the way." I hop out of the car and leave my bags in the back, taking his hand as he leads me into the house.

And his house is nice. From the outside, I could tell it was huge. And the combination of modern and rustic is definitely indicative of the interior, but the whole place feels cozy. Like I'm walking into a warm hug.

I drop my keys and wallet by the door, kick off my shoes, and follow Enrique inside.

Where my house is angular and precise, his is flowing and open. He pulls me through the house like I'm floating along a river, pausing for a moment to look at each sight before continuing. Our tour takes us through the kitchen to the living space and on up the stairs to the many bedrooms and bathrooms.

"I thought you said you had a bed, but the word room was questionable."

"I was making a little joke," he said, shrugging. "I guess I didn't think you'd ever agree to come back here and actually see for yourself." He doesn't even take a whole breath before adding, "I'm really glad you did, though."

Vegas Knot (✔️) | Love Travels #1Where stories live. Discover now