Entering The Factory

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The twins, Alex and Andi have to babysit their little sister, Sam and their toddler brother, Makah. The little ones wanted to go for a walk. The twins always pass the abandoned toy factory on the way to school, and have always wanted to explore it, as they love mysteries. As the four siblings were nearing the factory, the twins decided that it was a good idea to explore it with Sam and Makah. Little did they know, they would never come out of the factory again. They went in, Makah and Sam were in the stroller their mother had gotten for christmas, with a few of Makah's juices, a few bottles of water, Makah's teddy bear, Sam's blanket and tons of snacks Incase anyone got hungry. As any three year old would, Makah got tired and fell asleep. The twins looked at the time, 9:57 am. It was twentyseven minutes past Makah's nap time. Sam was bored, so she started making all kinds of noises, as most five year olds do. Andi started getting annoyed with his little sister, Alex on the other hand, she gave Sam some crayons and a piece of paper she had in her back pack. All of a sudden, there was growling sounds. Sam got scared and started crying, the twins looked all around, trying to figure out what the growling was coming from. Then they saw it. A ten foot tall blue monster was standing behind them. The monster bent down to their level, still growling. The twins screamed and ran, pushing the stroller as fast as they could. The monster got in front of them, stopping them right in their tracks.
"Wait!" The monster yelled
"He talks?!" Alex screamed
"The name's Huggy Wuggy. Get out of here while you have the chance. It's not safe for people here." The monster said
"What do you mean?" Andi asked
"Huggy Wuggy...? Like my toy?" Sam asked as she held up her Huggy Wuggy plush
A roar from behind the twins was heard. This woke up Makah, who started crying. Alex picked him up, trying to comfort him.
"Oh no...we need to go!" Huggy said as he grabbed Makah and put him in the stroller
Huggy then grabbed the stroller and headded for the room his family was waiting for him in. The twins followed close behind, as Huggy did just take their little brother and sister. Upon arrival, Huggy shut the door right after the twins were in.
"Who are they?" Andi asked
"They are my family, Kissy Missy, Player, and Poppy." Huggy Wuggy explained
"Wait what are humans doing here?" Player asked
"Andi and Alex wanted to explore toy building." Sam said
Another roar is heard, which caused Sam and Makah to cry again. Alex and Andi got annoyed with all the crying and yelled at the two to shut up. That only made them cry louder. Huggy picked up Sam and Kissy picked up Makah, comforting the two children. After Sam and Makah stopped crying, Kissy lectured the twins for yelling at the babies.
"Why would you yell at them? They're just scared! If you were scared and someone yelled at you, would you like it? I don't think so." Kissy Missy lectured
"Sorry..." Alex said, looking down
"But they're annoying!" Andi yelled
"Andi! Kissy Missy is right! Makah's only three, of course he's gonna cry. And Sam is scared of loud noises, we shouldn't yell at them for having a reaction." Alex said
"Fine. I'm sorry guys." Andi said, rolling his eyes
"How old are you two?" Player asked
"Fifteen, why?" Andi snapped
"Geez I was just asking.." Player responded
"I'm starting to think maybe I should've eaten him." Huggy said, crossing his arms
"Wh- please don't eat me!" Andi begged
"Relax kid, I'm not gonna eat you." Huggy chuckled
"Did you tell him to say that, Alex?" Andi asked, clearly mad
"No." Alex replied
"Uh...can you put them down?" Andi asked
"They're both sleeping." Kissy said
"Sam fell asleep in a ten foot tall toy's arms? She never sleeps in the morning." Anex said
"Well I am called Huggy Wuggy for a reason." Huggy replied
Huggy and Kissy put the kids on a pile of stuffed animals and covered them up with a blanket that was in the gift shop. Then Player started getting tired, as he was running on 48 hours of being hunted by Mommy Long Legs. Huggy noticed that Player was closing his eyes longer and longer when he blinked, so he grabbed Player and forced him to lay down.
"You need some sleep too, Player. Kissy Missy and me will guard you and the two little kids until you wake up, okay?" Huggy said
"I don't have a choice...do I?" Player rhetorically asked
"Nope!" Huggy answered
"Fine." Player agrees
"Wait toys need sleep?"
"Uh normally no, but we weren't always toys. We used to be humans." Huggy answered
"How?" Alex asked
"That's a story for another time." Kissy responded
"Daddy look out!" Poppy yelled
Huggy turned to see one of the metal poles about to fall on him. He caught it and put it back the way it was.
"Why does she call you 'daddy' Huggy?" Andi asked
"Huggy Wuggy and Kissy Missy are the closest things to parents I have, you don't have to look alike to be family." Poppy explains
"That's awesome that you found a family." Alex complimented
"Cool I guess..." Andi said
Alex slaps Andi on the back of the head.
"What my brother means is that he thinks it's nice you have a family too. Right Andi?" Alex asks as she pulls his ear
"Ow- ow- y-yeah!" Andi yells
Alex lets go of Andi and smiles. Poppy chuckles, Huggy and Kissy are amused by this little show, the other three slept through the whole thing.
"We might as well take a nap with them, we can't really leave with who knows what behind that door." Andi says as he lays next to Makah
"No thanks, I'll stay up with these two so they have some company." Alex says
"Go ahead and take a nap if you want, Huggy and me already took our naps." Kissy says
"Okay." Alex agrees and lays down next to her brother

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