Fever part 2

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Angel placed a cool rag upon Alastors burning forehead he was convinced that you could boil an egg on it but he wasn't about to try.Alastor let out a small whimper which made Angel bullish slightly.

After about an hour alastor groggily opened his eyes and looked around a bit, everything looked normal except for the white and pink demon slumped on a chair next to his bed, he let out a low groan and turned over on the bed.He closed his eyes hoping that sleep would take over him.

Angel needed to wake Alastor up so that he could take some medication and eat but he wasn't about to wake up one of hells strongest demons while they where vulnerable, nope.

Alastor could feel angels eyes on him, 'what?'
'Oh good your awake!'Angel replied relieved 'so mum Nifty gave me some medicine that you needed to take. It should bring down your fever. I also got some head ache ones if you have a headache'
'Okay' Alastor used most of his energy to sit up against the pillows he took the glass of water from his bed side table and the tablets and swallowed them. He yawned 'can I. Go to sleep again?' 'In a minuet Al I just need to take your temp' Angel replied quickly 'this one needs to go under your are so arm up smiles'. Alastor raised his arm reluctantly and felt the freezing metal under it he whimpered at the feeling. He closed his eyes slightly and his ear pricked up when he heard the beep. 'Hmm it's still a bit high but much better than last time' angel commented 'you can sleep now'
'Thank you Angel' Alastor replied Alastor wanted to ask for something but he didn't want to be a bother so he just quietly went back to sleep.

Angel sighed he had never seen Alastor in such a vulnerable state before it was upsetting, especially when he wasn't putting up a fight or being stubborn he just let himself get cared for (which Angek was happy about of course) but it still hurt because Al wasn't smiling or being chipper he just seemed fed up and tired.

'Angel?' Alastor said breaking the silence 'eh? What's up Al?' 'Well Um its fine if.. you don't want to of course, but Um can we... Cuddle' Alastor said visibly shaking Angel was taken aback by his question Alastor wasn't one to ask for any type of affection he was usually the one who made sure that no one was in his personal space so when he asked Angel was up for some cuddling. 'You know what, sure Al I'll give you some cuddles' Alastor was blushing but that could be blamed on the fever.. He moved up on the bed a bit so that Angel can fit in and Alastor nestled into his side and quickly fell asleep while angel was rubbing and playing with his hair.

Hey guys I'm trying to get better at being more frequent with my writing and I do want to finish more of these so if you have any requests on what to do next let me know because I'm running out of ideas. Sorry but I also wanted ti put some radiodust into this chapter but it could be perceived ad platonic if you want! Cya next time

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